Time for Another American Revolution? Roe v Wade and Other Concerns

June 25, 2022

Overturning Roe v Wade is the mere tip of the iceberg. 

The far-right religious zealots and white supremacists among us (in the minority numbers that they are!) are poised to overturn other precious, hard-fought rights that have been deemed “settled law” even according to the Supreme Court Trump Justices (Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Coney), who perjured their way into their present positions.


According to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas (who was appointed by GHW Bush and whose confirmation hearings included damning testimony from Anita Hill about how he relentlessly sexually harassed her), now other laws are subject to overturning, including LGBTQIA+ protections and marriage equality.



I have never been more ashamed of America in my lifetime as I have been since the 2016 election of the previous Oval Office holder, not counting the time Biden and his administration have held power.


We seem to be warp speeding ourselves into a time machine that wishes to return us to the 1850’s.


The far right is sabotaging voting rights, women’s bodily autonomy rights, and every other right that stands in the way of their petty, racist, misogynistic worldview.


Yes, they have held the catbird’s seat since the inception of this nation, but that cannot and must not remain the status quo. They want to return us to owned, enslaved beings: women, people of color, LGBTQIA+ individuals. They want us to perish while doing our damnedest to keep our heads above water in their fetid swimming pool.


FUCK THAT. Pardon my French, but I repeat; FUCK THAT!


The January 6th 2021 attack on the Capitol was entirely without merit; it was based on the bald-faced Big Lie that the election was stolen from Drumpf by the DEMS.  The next one might not be.  Those of us who are not cis-het, rich, white, male far outnumber those of us who are.


We must turn out in unprecedented, massive numbers to beat back all the gerrymandering and other roadblocks that have been placed before us and make sure no GOP member of Congress, state houses, and other places with POLITICAL power GETS BACK INTO OFFICE, OR INTO OFFICE IN THE FIRST PLACE.  This is the only way we can stop this onslaught, short of another Civil War, or dividing up the nation into red and blue states and having the red states secede (or having the blue states secede and stop funding the red states!!!) and forcing GOP voters to move to GOP-run states because they proclaim they love their policies so much. The poorest states in the nation are GOP-led. That ought to tell you something right there.  Those legislatures are run for the benefit of the people presently in power; their constituents can go hang, as far as they’re concerned.


The KKK (a so-called Christian organization!!!) does not own this nation. White, rich male supremacists and racists are in the minority. We need to turn out in huge numbers this year and in 2024 to make sure they understand that.


Register to vote if you haven’t already. Be sure your registration hasn’t been pulled.


Help others register to vote and explain why they CANNOT sit on the sidelines anymore.


Our ballots stand between us and the far right getting power again that they will continue to use and abuse to put the rest of us into straitjackets from which it will be nigh unto impossible to escape.


They are playing for keeps.  We need to VOTE BLUE ALL THE WAY DOWN THE BALLET to proclaim, “NOT ON OUR WATCH!!!”


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Which I am going to say right now. Thank you!