I’m Outta the Weeds! No More Depression!

May 8, 2024

I’m outta the weeds! No more depression.


It happened more as a change of focus than as a change of circumstances. My mind is freed!


Instead of fretting about the future of our country (which will or will not survive–but I won’t be responsible for its downfall if it fails, because I’m on the right side of the Great Divide and working toward keeping our democracy intact), or the fact that I’m getting much less writing work while people try out having AI write their stuff (good for them; they’ll be back; they just have to figure it out for themselves the hard way), I’m focusing on the here and now, which (for me, where I am) is pretty darned wonderful.


Jackie and I are installing broad-spectrum LED lighting in my den and kitchen area, which has lit everything up in fabulous ways. I’ll share before-and-after pix when the work is all done; hopefully no later than this weekend because we ran up against an electrical wiring situation in one of the existing fixtures that needs to be figured out before we can install the new fixture above my sink. George Rebar or Phil should be able to make heads and tails of it.


I’m walking daily, usually between 8K and 12K steps.


I’m reading good books like one possessed instead of depressing histories and present-day recountings of the many ways that 40% or more of our citizenry has been bamboozled by a wicked, autocratic charlatan.  (Nonfiction is my favorite genre, but some of it is upsetting and anxiety-provoking, so I have stopped marinating in it.)


I’m thinking good thoughts. I’m meditating frequently every single day.


My pets are all doing well.


Springtime has finally (I think! fingers crossed!) arrived so it’s bright and sunny outside my window.I will soon be erecting my tent in the back yard again and sleeping out there at night, so I’ll be “grounded” — sleeping on the ground — all summer and fall long. That’s always uplifting.


Yeah.  It’s all good!


And my life will remain upliftng until it isn’t. I’m fiercely focused on the here-and-now, so “tomorrow” isn’t even on my radar anymore. I have plans if the former guy wins in November: I will move to Costa Rica or to Vietnam (probably CR, if it’s still affordable not far outside city limits in the Highlands) and solve that situation, at least for myself.


I’m anticipating a future where I can live happily and affordably. I’m no longer dreading what the future might bring because I have decided I have more faith in the basic decency and common sense my fellow citizens than I possibly should have, but it’s there and I will honor it right up until November 5th, when I will know for sure whether it was justified or misplaced. I’ve just made alternate plans in case the worst happens on November 5th, so I’m ready for just about anything. I can control what happens to me after November 5th except for nuclear war or some glitch in my physical apparatus.



For now, I’m celebrating being alive, physically, mentally, and emotionally well, and free to be me.








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