
‘Consistency’ and ‘Product Nature’ Triggers Examined

The ‘Consistency’ Trigger Explained People tend to be consistent when they’ve taken a stand on something, even in the face of conflicting information. So as a copywriter,  business owner, or entrepreneur who wants or needs to “up sell”, your ace-in-the-hole is to offer something else that is consistent with a decision your client/customer has already

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First Things First: Why are You Doing What You’re Doing to Make a Living??

According to various advertising and marketing specialists, there are thirty tried-and-true triggers that influence buyers to engage.  How many of them can you come up with (without help)? Go ahead. I’ll wait. There are the obvious ones, of course: Appealing to your target audience’s curiosity, desire to belong or collect, emotion, greed, guilt, hope, or

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Upshot of the 723 Networking Presentation

I’m excited. The vast majority of participants who attended my presentation about how to write compelling ten-second intros and 30-second commercials/elevator speeches improved significantly as a result of the exercise. I was astonished by the immediate improvement I saw. As a result of the noticeable improvement, James Fowler–the networking host of  another networking group (Lakewood,

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