The “Honesty” Trigger

This final motivational trigger is among the most important because it needs to be in every piece of copy writing (or presentation) you offer. Without it, you’re sunk. Honesty.

Don’t misrepresent your product or service.

Don’t misrepresent your credentials.

Don’t even fudge a little. (It’s still a lie and if you’re caught in a lie, nothing else will matter. Your reputation will take a dive.)

Honesty includes…

  1. Letting people know when you don’t know something
  2. Making sure you keep you commitments and letting people know as soon as you know if you have to break one
  3. Being transparent
  4. Not allowing your statements to be misinterpreted or misapplied. (If someone mirrors back to you what they believe you’ve said, and you didn’t mean what they thought you meant, let them know. Correct them.)
  5. Not gossiping about others
  6. Having other people’s backs if you hear them being falsely characterized or maligned

Your sales copy should be 100% honest. If there’s a known issue with what you offer, let it be known. Tell the truth. Tell it early. You can probably still sell it if its fault isn’t irredeemable–and if it is irredeemable, why would you want to attach your name to it at all? Don’t sell it!

People respond to honesty. They respect honesty. Most of all, they require honesty to make the best choice for themselves and their loved ones.




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