I met for almost three hours this morning with new power partners Candace and Chris Thompson. What a time we had! We hit it off like long-lost relatives.
When I got back to my desk I had some more writing to do for John and some copy-editing and enhancement for another client (a Tacoma tax attorney), so I’m running on fumes tonight. I just ate two small pieces of 12-grain toast, two home-grown, farm fresh eggs (thank you, chick-a-rellies!) and a glass of dark chocolate almond milk, so my tummy is happy and I’m gonna crash very, very soon.
I didn’t go bike-riding in Orting today (for the first time in five or six days) but I think that’s good because I should give my muscles a day to recover from time to time…
That’s it! I’ve done my duty. I’m going night night now. Catch you on the flip flop (as the CB’ers of old used to say).