This afternoon I went to McLendon’s and bought a new tarp for the goat shed since the old one got torn to shreds in the wind storm a few days ago. With the rain we’re having now, I wanted to give the goats more dry area to hang out in addition to the smaller, contained 6′ x 12′ (or so) shed that’s a part of the outbuilding we have on the place (next to the wood shed/hay storage area).
It was quite the task getting the tarp up and over the metal frame by myself, but I managed it by tying twine onto some of the grommets and then throwing the ball of twine over the top of the metal frame in three different places–at both ends and midway– so I could incrementally pull the tarp up and tie the twine off until the whole tarp got to the ridge at the top so I could grab it from the raised goat plank/walkway and pull it the rest of the way over and tie it off on both sides with bungee cords and baling twine. I think it’s very secure now. (The next windy day will test the theory.)
On Labor Day weekend, weather permitting, we’re supposed to get 20 bales of Timothy hay for the goats. That should carry them through the winter months. A friend (Matt, who brought us the goat panels a month ago, as you may recall) is going to be getting a whole truckload for a great price and said he’d pick us up as many bales as we need. They are 125 pound bales–almost twice as heavy as the ones we get at Tractor Supply Company–and will cost us the same as we’ve been paying TSC per bale, so we’re getting almost twice as much hay for the same price. WOO HOO! Still, it’s over $300. The tarp and bungee cords to tie it down were $89.00 but they’ll last years and the fence is all up now so our “mucho money outlay” is coming to an end. Hallelujah!
I’m critter-sitting an Australian shepherd mix (mixed with a moose, it seems) named Freckles for a few days. What a great dog. He’s so laid back, happy and friendly. I’m grooming him with teacup poodle grooming tools (the only tools I have) and it’s a hoot. It’ll take me days, 30 minutes at a time, to get him 100% loose-hair-free at this rate with these tiny tools, but he loves the interaction so much that it’s a joy to do it for him.
What else? Not much! I’ve been looking for more a little more writing work but not diligently because enough nearly always comes in every month to satisfy my desire to write without the need to generate lots of leads or encourage a sales funnel these days. I’m thankful for that. It sure makes life easier and less stressful!
I’m plumb tuckered out tonight. Gonna hit the hay now. Sweet dreams, y’all!