Why I’m Doing This…

February 21, 2014

I started this new blogging endeavor because I see so many “fails” whenever I go online to  business owners’ and entrepreneurs’ websites.

I realize I can’t fix them all. There aren’t enough hours in the day or in the rest of my life to tackle them all, so others will need to hop aboard the copy writing train and help out.

I also realize that not everyone believes that they can afford the services of a professional copywriter (even though it’s a fallacy because we good’uns make people money, we don’t cost them money)  so they want to try to do it themselves until they get ahead enough to turn it over to a pro. And sadly, of the few start-ups who do put out the money to get something done, too many get burned by the newbie/wannabe/ start-up provider they choose!   As a result, copy writing is beginning to have almost the same poor reputation as snake oil salesmen. Sometimes when I tell people I’m a copywriter, they blanch and look like they’d ward me off with a cross  if they had one handy! It’s that obvious that they’ve been badly burned by some copywriter somewhere.

I’m tired of self-proclaimed copywriters doing the best they know how at the expense of their clients. I’m tired of competing with low-ball wannabes who know they can’t legitimately ask for more money because they’re just starting out and still have a lot to learn to give full value to their clients.

So I’m writing this to help fix the situation all the way around. I’m writing this because I’m on both sides of the equation: I’m a provider and a business owner. We all deserve better!

This blog aims to help those who are seeking help, whether you’re here to become a better copywriter or to write your own copy. I aim to make winners of you all.

Because when you win, we all win. We get better websites, better communication, better feelings toward each other, and better lives.

I’m all for that. Are you?  Then let’s work together to make it happen. When you write something, let me look it over and suggest improvements. Yes, it will cost you something, but only editing and copy-enhancement fees, not “from scratch” copy writing fees.   I’ll coach and counsel you. You’ll get better and better until you no longer need me.  I want you to get better than me because I won’t be doing this forever and when I retire I want to point to you and say, “S/he can serve you every bit as well as I ever could. Go see him/her.”

I want my legacy to be that I helped promising writers succeed.

That’s why I’m doing this. Is that why you’re following me? I hope so.  We can go places faster, working together, than we ever will working as Lone Rangers.

I’m looking for power partners, not competitors. Show me what ya got.


This weekly blog is reader supported.

If you enjoy my posts, and want to show your appreciation, please do so via PayPal. (My email address for Paypal is kristinemsmith@msn.com. Remember the m between my first and last names so your gift doesn’t misfire. If you go this route, please be sure to include your email address in the notes section, so I can say thank you.

Which I am going to say right now. Thank you!