Update on the Enterprise Flight — Delayed to April or May 2023 with New Hitchikers to the Galaxies!

February 21, 2023

The Enterprise Flight has been pushed out to April or May and will have the DNA of four Presidents of the United States onboard, too.


The Presidents whose DNA will be aboard are George Washington, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan. (I’m happy about three of the four.  R.R. is the thumbs down one for me. He initiated the tumble toward oligarchy during his administration and was involved in a a great many shady dealings.)


But since RR is the only apparent outlier (out liar) who will be aboard, I’m okay with him sharing a berth with DeForest Kelley and the rest.


Ronald Reagan was a great friend of Paramount producer AC Lyles (whose star I also polished, along with De’s), who was a great friend of DeForest Kelley, so at least they have one friend in common.  Probably more than one. But De declined (several times) to visit the White House when AC invited him to. AC had a room in the White House while Reagan was president, to hear him tell it — although I always took AC’s stories with a small grain of salt because he misremembered some things. He insisted he had introduced me to De.  I met De when I was 17 (in 1968) and didn’t meet AC until I moved to Hollywood in the 1990’s — so yeah!  At any rate, AC took great pains to tell me (and others) that he’s the man who convinced R.R. to run for POTUS.  Ahem. That’s on him!


I have a letter from Ronald Reagan.  It’s probably worth a small fortune. I wish I still had the letter I wrote to him which prompted his response because he answered it, point for point. He was a great communicator, that one!  (This letter appears in the book Reagan A Life in Letters on page 68, which absolutely documents it as genuine!)  In fact, you can almost recreate the letter I wrote just by reading this letter he wrote back to me!




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