Twiddling My Thumbs Still…

March 14, 2022

Hmmm… Here I sit, twiddling my thumbs. I was supposed have a collaboration call yesterday afternoon with a client, which was changed to this morning at 8:30, but neither came to fruition, so I’m stuck until I hear back about which topic to tackle next for the pieces I’m responsible for providing to them.


And I’m days away from getting the manuscript that I’ll be editing and enhancing, so that’s on the back burner, too.


So, I suppose I could twiddle my thumbs until I come up with a new book to write. That would be a good use of time, but my Muse has suggested no such “must write” in a long time, so that would probably be a fruitless pursuit…


When I’m ready to write another book, I always feel “pregnant” for weeks or months while Muse decides what must be written that hasn’t yet been written. Until I get that prompt, it isn’t Source spawned, so I wait. Which is kinda like Waiting for Godot, but eventually Inspiration (the God in Godot) shows up, unlike in the play!  I just have to be patient until it happens.


And it may never happen again.  If that’s the case, I’m okay with that. My most avid book buyers won’t be, but I am.  (Except that I love to write, but I can write here, and for others, and be equally happy.)


GRRR!  I was born to write. It drives me batty when I don’t have marching orders from clients or Spirit/Source!


The weather is too cold and rainy for outdoor exercise. Another “atmospheric river” (but less catastrophic than earlier ones) is supposed to pass by during the next few days, dumping lots of rain on our Evergreen State. (Water is what keeps it green, but atmospheric rivers are relatively rare here, or they have been in the past. With climate change, who knows what the future will hold here in my back yard?  We’ve even had a freakin’ tornado touch down fewer than five miles from my home. That’s CRAZY!)


I don’t want to go to the Y because the mask mandate has been lifted.  I can still wear my mask in there, but wouldn’t feel safe enough.  The pandemic continues. I’m well aware of that.




Patches vet appointment is this Thursday.


My U of WA dental appointment (to see if I’m a candidate for a front tooth implant)  is April 7th.


My next scheduled health/bloodwork appointment is June 30th. I was hoping to get in sooner, but unless it’s an emergency situation (it isn’t), June 30th is the earliest I can get in via my usual provider. I can keep calling, in case there is a cancellation that I can fit into, but that’s my only hope, unless I agree to go with a different provider. No thanks:  I’ve had her for more than a decade and I like her. So do so many others. That’s why she’s swamped.


I’m slowly losing weight.  I have started drinking prebiotic Kumbucha beverages and eating more Greek Yogurt (with probiotics), and that small change has apparently offered the one/two punch that  jumpstarted my metabolism from its usually glacial baseline. I hope it continues!


When Lisa and I get back on our bikes sometime in April, I anticipate I’ll be losing even more on the Orting Trail. I’ll have to ride more often than she can, though. She has a staggering work load now, so her only days off are Monday and Tuesday, and she needs those to recover! And it’s never a good idea to ride bikes two days in a row. Muscles need time to recover from the pace we put ours through!


I guess that’s about it for this time. Enjoy the rest of your day!











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