T’was the Day After Thanksgiving and… ZONK!

November 28, 2014

Am I in a post-holiday stupor?  I have been sooooo laid back today. All I’ve managed to do was write my holiday newsletter (if you want it and didn’t get it via email, let me know and I’ll send it to you! I’ll need your email address, though…), clean the critter shed and put down a new bedding of straw, read part of a book, look around a little online, and…that’s about it!

In a few days I’ll get my indoor bike stand and some virtual bike tour DVDs so I can ride indoors. That will help me feel a lot less like a hibernating bear than I feel right now.

The weather outside is damp and is about to get frightful, based on what I’m hearing. The temperature (which has been in the mid 50’s day and night for the most part) is plummeting as I type this and it’s supposed to snow by tomorrow morning. I believe it.  So I’m glad the critters have brand new bedding in their shed. The old bedding wasn’t bad yet, but I wanted to be sure it stays  fluffy and warm during the winter, so I swap it out every four or five days. Straw is cheap and I love my goaties and my chicker-ellies (our laying hens) so I spoil them pretty rotten.

Lisa thinks my pygmy goat, Jazzy, is pregnant; she isn’t sure, yet, about Maggie, the Nigerian dwarf.  I’m so excited about having liter-bottle-sized newborn pygmy goats I can hardly stand it.  Their birth date, reputedly, is January 20th which, coincidentally, was DeForest Kelley’s and my publisher Cheryl Haynes’s birth dates bygone years.

Jazzy is developing an udder already so it’s a good bet she’ll be having twins, if not triplets. She looks pregnant. (But then, most pygmy goats look pregnant even when they aren’t, if you just go by their girth.) I’m already thinking about naming one of the babies after De… but NOT DeForest–the name would be bigger than the goat!  Something short and sweet, like Dee or Sweet-De. But we’ll see.  The names may occur to me spontaneously as soon as (or soon after) I see them; they have to look like their names or it won’t work.

I’m on the cusp of writing website copy for one local client, and ghostwriting a manuscript for another one.  I think my schedule will be jam-packed (or as jam-packed as I want/need it to be) in December.  The website has a due date on it of January 1st; right now I’m just waiting to get the Content Questionnaire back and the list of keywords so I can tackle it.  That’s slated to happen on Monday.

December is the last month I’ll be serving in the nursery at church.  I’m looking forward to having weekends entirely off for the first time in three years because now I can get away during a weekend whenever I want to. Or not.  It has only been this year that I have stepped away from working seven days a week. I think I started taking Saturdays off in about April, so having entire weekends off is going to feel amazing because I haven’t had a real (extended) vacation since I started my copy writing business in 2008. It’s time!



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