The ‘Integrity’ Trigger

Whether you know it or not, people can spot integrity almost instantly–and its opposite.  Integrity means “walking the walk”–not just talking the talk.

Under-promise and over-deliver

Don’t make a promise you can’t keep; don’t say anything you can’t back up. If you find you have to renege on a promise or commitment for any reason, let the other person know as soon as you know. Apologize. Find a significant way to make up for the breach and then follow through and do it.

Don’t do anything in business (or in your personal life, for that matter) that you wouldn’t welcome seeing splashed across the front page of your hometown newspaper the next day

Integrity works better than flypaper. People stick with people who stick with their integrity.


Integrity causes loyalty. Sadly, there is so little integrity in the business world today that when customers find integrity, they’re surprised–and won over–as soon as they stop pinching themselves and recover from the shock.

Think about the people you do business with on  a face-to-face level. Can you trust them to do what they say they’re going to do? Do they deliver? Are their handshakes, promises and commitments as solid (or more solid than) any contract you could commit to paper?

If they are, that’s probably why you do business with them. You know you can count on them to have your back and be on your team through thick and thin.

Integrity is probably the best thing you can have going for you. Don’t risk it. Hold onto it. Integrity creates loyalty.


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