OK, Back to Basics…

I’ve been digressing for a good couple of months. I need to get back to the reason I started this blog: to teach DIY’ers how to write great copy for your own websites and other marketing materials and to help aspiring copywriters learn how to write better…

It’s going to take time. This isn’t something you’re going to learn in ten easy lessons or ten dedicated months. Good writing doesn’t happen overnight; it’s a process.

Some of you are already decent (pleasant, proper) writers simply wanting to get better so your writing becomes powerful–captivating, compelling, and converting.

Others of you are white-knuckling the whole idea, hating the idea that you have to write it yourself because you don’t think you can afford a professional copywriter to do it for you.

Another subscriber may think he or she sucks as a writer but the writing bug just won’t leave; you’re addicted to stringing words together.

For whatever reason you’re here, I’m here to help.

If this is your first visit, please start at Blog #1 and read these posts backward at least until they start to diverge from the path I embarked on to talk about bicycling and other non-linear matters. There is a ton of great information about writing, target audiences, triggers, hooks, the psychology of persuasion, and more back a ways. Again, start from Blog #1 and read “backward” to get caught up on what everyone else has learned up until now.

For the rest of you, my apologies for getting off track so much of the time recently. Exciting things are happening in my professional life right now and I just had to share them with you. I hope you’re as happy for me as I would be to hear terrific news about your breakthroughs. Even so, I know now you’re probably even more excited about learning what it is I know that has brought me to the enviable position I find myself in these days. Being touted as a “great copywriter” is a pinnacle for me… as long as I keep living up to the honor.

I have bought and held onto an entire shelf full of books on writing and copy writing (not to mention the additional dozen or more on my Kindle Fire)  and have read them all, highlighted extensive passages, and tried to absorb as much of each one as one cranium can handle, so it’s sometimes hard to decide which of the gazillions of nuggets to expose, and in what order.  I’ve long since forgotten in which order I read these books and materials, but I know one built on the next, and on the next, until I got to a point where it seems like everything I read on the topic these days I already know and do consistently.

The task for this blog is finding a way to order and present what I know so you can discover the elements of copywriting (or any good writing) that perhaps you don’t know yet about the art and science of riveting readers in place for the duration of your “visit” with them. This is what has had me stumped for a while. But I need to figure out a way forward.

And I will.  Pronto.

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