‘Let No Day Dawn that the Animals Cannot Share’ spotlights humankind’s deeply-rooted emotional, cultural, ethical and spiritual bonds to the animal kingdom, wild and domestic, and identifies areas where we’ve fallen short of our stewardship duties for scores of precious and irreplaceable fellow creatures. The author has been an animal behaviorist, trainer, caretaker and advocate for decades and shares her most humorous and poignant tales from these intensely-rewarding inter-species interactions. Enhancing the volume to a point of utter magnificence are illustrations by Emese Dian whose love of her subjects is evident in every rendition. Each drawing carries the essence of her subjects, breathing life into two-dimensional pages.

‘Floating Around Hollywood and Other Totally-True Tales of Triumph’ The author, Kristine M. Smith (a.k.a. Krazy Kris by her mentor, actor DeForest Kelley) worked steadily in Hollywood from 1989 to 2003 as a writers’ and producers’ assistant, switchboard operator, casting receptionist, executive secretary, hardware lease administrator, newsletter writer and website wordsmith, often while “floating”–serving as a temporary secretary or assistant in Production and Administration. While she hardly set Hollywood on fire (in a high-profile way), she achieved goals through dogged determination, a wildly-contagious sense of the absurd, and lots of hard work. If your dreams include working in Hollywood, here’s one laugh-a-minute way for getting your foot in the door. The stories you’ll find here provide ample evidence that you don’t have to be perfect (by a long shot) to be valued in–and valuable to–the entertainment industry. “Kris Smith’s entertainment industry career reads like a sitcom. What fun!” — AC Lyles, Producer “A fast-paced book , full of laughter, written with comedic skill. It’s a delightful read.” — DeForest Kelley, Actor “Of all the books I’ve ever been quoted in, this is one of them!” — Clyde Phillips, Executive Producer Sound like fun? It is!
Loosely based on Napoleon Hill’s seminal title, Think and Grow Rich, ‘Settle for Best: Satisfy the Winner You Were Born to Be’ lists the common mindsets and actions of renowned philanthropist millionaires from the early 20th century and encourages readers to develop and rely on the skills and mindsets that successful people still use to win big, no matter what shape the economy is in. Written for start-up entrepreneurs and anyone else anyone in search of the “keys to the kingdom” in whatever realm you travel, SETTLE FOR BEST will encourage, inspire and light a fire under you if you truly want to build the life and legacy your heart most desires.
“I’ve just read the manuscript of SERVAL SON: Spots and Stripes Forever by Kristine M Smith. If someone in Hollywood doesn’t option this story to make a movie of it, they’re asleep at the switch in Tinsel Town. In my opinion, SERVAL SON ranks right up there with Marley and Me…” – Stephanie Ealy, ALLVOICES Citizen Journalist – “Get ready to read SERVAL SON without putting it down. It’s that riveting. Kris has a very touching story and weaves it seamlessly with an important message for all. It is an absolute must read for anyone interested in exotic cats.” – Safari Dave, Animal Trainer, Founder of Exotic Feline Foundation of America; inventor of WITS— Wildlife Interactive Training System – (Patent Pending). WITS—Wildlife Interactive Training System” is a Service mark of Exotic Feline Foundation of America. “What a heartwarming book! With humor, love, and compassion, the author shares her experiences caring for a wild cat, as we empathize and learn from her triumphs and mistakes. Animal lovers will be glued to the story.” – Jessi Hoffman, Founder and Director, Fur and Feather Animal Haven, Tenino, Washington – “In this book, you’ll read Kris and Deaken’s story. She will tell you the joys of growing up with the adorable serval kitten, the amusing traits, the time he showed a wild cat trait that brought her into being a great deal more respectful of him; her father finally accepting the little wild thing; the heartbreaking decision she had to make because of a broken leg; the many homes she and Deaken had to find because neighbors ‘”didn’t want a wild animal living next door'”, the problems, the expense, the emotional grief for the wild one she would do anything to keep safe and secure. You will be fascinated in discovering the connection between Kris, Star Trek, DeForest Kelley, The Shambala Preserve, and me. You will learn of the soul searching, compassionate life of a woman determined to handle her responsibilities, her fierce determination, and how she resolves her life on so many levels, both animal and human. Kris Smith is a warrior, filled with tenacity, with a true love and respect for all animals. I love her.” Tippi Hedren President, The Roar Foundation The Shambala Preserve Shambala Preserve