“Did I mention how amazing you are?”

October 29, 2014

P.S. “Did I mention how amazing you are?”

*aw, shucks…* (toe in rug)

I gotta tell you… I love my clients. I really do.


All this afternoon, after getting back from my 15-mile bike ride (just 60 miles to go to reach 1000 miles since some time in June!) I worked on three projects for Sandra Leigh Morris: an opt-in page, a webinar lead page and a Special Report. Sandra is the interior designer I mentioned briefly yesterday who’s a non-toxic home furnishings expert.  She was referred to me by Vicki Higgins, a life coach (among other things) for whom I write sales copy from time to time, who is an alumnus of John Assaraf’s amazing training.

Sandra is getting ready to fly to San Diego to spend the next few days with John (and maybe Vicki, for all I know) so before she left I wanted to get these pieces to her so she could have them to work on in case anything needs tweaking because her webinar is coming up real soon and I wanted to be sure she has everything just the way she wants it long before it’s needed.

As it turns out (no big surprise) she only tweaked a couple of things, so that makes me happy. She says she’ll do a couple more  on the plane tomorrow on her way to San Diego but I won’t get the changes until Monday. (That’s good. I don’t work on weekends, and my schedule is full tomorrow and Friday, hence the reason I wanted to get everything wrapped up for her today.)

She’s amazed I got it done so fast…and that it’s excellent, even though it was done at near warp speed. (After decades as a freelance writer and eight years as a professional freelance copywriter, it never takes me long to put something to bed. There is very little guesswork to what I do these days. I can discern what needs to be said and how to say it very quickly. All that remains after that is to make sure the way I say it is concise, completely understandable, and un-put-down-able. That’s always the fun part,  to me. That’s the “dancing with words”/ word-whisperer part.)

Getting it down fast was possible in this case because Sandra provided excellent talking points that I could work with (even though the earlier piece that she had commissioned from some second-rate source was a disaster, the talking points were there–all I had to do was extract them and then write around them to make sure the piece was well written and engaging) and because she developed a well-thought-out Ideal Client profile. (John teaches these aspects, too, which is why I love working with his clients!)

I love it when clients essentially jump up and down like excited puppies when I submit something to them. It makes my day…my night…my week…  You get the idea.  As Mark Twain said, “I can live for a week on a compliment.”  Yes, indeed. Especially when it’s a compliment about my skill as a wordsmith.

Tomorrow during the day I have a network meeting to attend. Tomorrow evening I have a live presentation at Umpqua Bank in Puyallup  where I’ll be covering cover three topics in under 60 minutes (ACK!):

  • writing a 30-second elevator speech/commercial
  • writing a core story that turns readers into “viral sneezers” (loyal customers who send new customers your way
  • writing a compelling professional biography

Luckily, I have handouts because spending just 20 minutes on each topic is going to be dicey.

Tomorrow and Friday I should have some more writing projects come in from the Assaraf group and perhaps Vicki Higgins. She’s on the cusp of getting something to me to work on, I know.

Sandra will want me to edit her upcoming book, too. I really look forward to that…and to recommending her webinars and the book to new parents who are planning to build or remodel a nursery. Knowing what I know now, I know they need Sandra’s expertise to make sure their baby is protected from the toxin-laden products that are being foisted off on the unsuspecting public.  It’s pretty scary!

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Which I am going to say right now. Thank you!