‘Logic’ Sales Trigger

How would Mr. Spock sell you a car?

Or could he?

Of course he could.

Using logic to seal a deal happens more often when considering the necessities of life, since it’s pretty hard to become emotionally involved with insurance, toilet tissue, and water (unless you don’t have toilet tissue or water!), but logic is often used in combination with emotion to seal a deal. But logic is part and parcel of every purchase (okay, maybe not pet rocks), so listen up.

“You deserve it” feels logical whether you’re working your tail off just to make ends meet or sitting in an Ivory Tower


To employ the logic trigger, answer the question (usually unspoken but ever-present), “Can I justify this purchase?” and find logical ways to get your target audience to “yes.”

You can convince using logic in dozens of ways, among them value/savings, health and wellness considerations, recognition, safety, tax savings (write-offs, tax deductions and amortization), and more.

The higher the cost of your product or service, the more you’ll usually have to employ logic to reach a mutual agreement that, yes, this is a justified, logical decision.

It is the logic you inject that helps a prospect justify a decision that began as an emotional “want” rather than a need.

You need wheels to get around town. Why not a moped? Why not a Mercedes? Why a moped? Why a Mercedes?  Go ahead. This is your homework assignment. Answer the four questions I just asked using logic.  You can do it. It will be good practice and will get your “logic” wheels working…

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