Intro Script I Wrote is a Hit

April 26, 2024

The intro script I wrote for a local nonprofit community organization is a hit, according to my contact there. WOO HOO!


I poured my heart and soul into it, for sure, so that’s good!


And three things I wrote for a long-time client were hits, too.




Which are four of the most recent reasons that I’m wondering why I’m not getting enough work to keep me busy 10-15 hours per week. That’s all I need to start putting money back into savings. Where are all the people/solopreneurs/business owners who need a proficient writer?


It’s beyond frustrating, you know?




And because the weather has been rainy and chilly for four days in a row, with low, grey clouds overhead, walking is not the much-needed “happy hormone” booster that it usually is, so I’ve been reading and napping too much instead. Although both are enjoyable, there’s only so much I can do of either of them. My eyes get blurry when I read for more than an hour at a time, and if I sleep a lot during the day, I don’t sleep soundly at night.




Last night or early this morning I had a dream that I was with the Bill/Hillary/Chelsea Clinton family, fer gosh sakes!  Where did that come from? We were on a bus and in cars and boats touring the best places here in Washington State!   It was an enjoyable enough dream, but where did it come from?


I’ve had multiple dreams about hanging out with the Obamas and the Bidens (which I understand, since I admire and respect them all), but never one about the Clintons (that I recall). They aren’t my favorite politicians, although I voted for Hillary (of course) when the choice was between her and Trump. She would have been a far better POTUS.  (Hell, she would have made the top twenty best POTUS’s of all time, probably, given her extensive governmental experience.) So, maybe I was belatedly hanging out with the Clintons to honor their accomplishments while they were in the offices they held.   Who knows?


Or maybe I’m hanging out with DEMS in my dreams simply to rest and pacify my soul while I sleep.  That makes sense.  Hanging out with the folks I consider The Good Guys during this perilous time in our nation’s history certainly makes emotional sense. As a trans neurodivergent male, I feel safe and seen by the DEMS, cared for and about…





In my book TRAILBLAZER, A Guide for Magnificent Misfits, I shared the VENN diagram above with the kind permission of its author Katie Higgins Lee.


I fit neatly into the Giftedness spot, plus every other spot that intersects with it, so I’m definitely neurodivergent. As it turns out, a significant number of LGBTQIA+ individuals are neurodivergent, too, which makes perfect sense to me.  We see the world and other people in more than black, white, and grey, male, female, cis. We believe people when they tell/show us who they are, no questions asked — or we ask the questions that we seek answers to in order to fully embrace their lived experiences. Complexity doesn’t unnerve us and simplicity doesn’t convince us. (Example:  “Your genitals determine your gender.”  That’s so simplistic, it’s absurd. Our MINDS dictate our gender, just as our HEARTS dictate who we love, and in what ways.)


Ask someone, “When did you decide you were male/female?”or “When did you decide you were straight?” and they’ll look at you like you have two heads.  No one decides their gender identity or their sexual orientation. At some point, they just know, even when the world is telling them in no uncetain terms, “That’s not the answer I want to hear! Be what I want you to be, not who you are!”


It’s insane to twist yourself into a pretzel in a doomed attempt to satisfy other people’s mindset about who you are.  You know who you are.  So be yourself! No one should ever be able to convince you (nor should they even try!) that you’re doing it all wrong.




We may never know, with certainty, why we’re here at this particular time in history.  Maybe we’re here to shift paradigms, to share passions, to sense new opportunities “to tame the savageness of man and make gentle the life of the world.”


As for myself, I’m with George Eliot, who wrote, “What do we live for if it is not to make life less difficuelt for each other?” 


That’s why I’m a Democrat and leaning toward the democratic socialism that most other countries have embraced, the countries rated, “Happiest in the world.”


Their people know they matter to their governments. There is no question. Their taxes pay for universal health care, free education through college and university, and other perks that we’re still struggling to get. They know that the health and wellbeing of their populace will determine the health and wellbeing of their nations.


What a concept!  Sounds mighty civilized and Christ-like to me.











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Which I am going to say right now. Thank you!