I got up at 7:30 with a burning desire to clean out the goat shed–the part under the tarp–an area that measures roughly 12′ x 24’…not a large area but I knew it would take at least two hours because it hasn’t been done in several months. The base contains about four inches of gravel but I haven’t seen it in almost a year because I’ve kept it covered in pine shavings and straw as much as possible since before the baby goats were born in January… and as you can imagine, nine months of compacted pebble poo and urine pretty much welded the top layer of gravel (several inches below) into a right-solid mass of “cement”.
After about forty minutes of pitchfork-by-pitchfork cleaning, my pitchfork broke with a resounding snap, so I went to McLendon’s and bought a pitchfork that won’t quit on me until long after I’m dead. Heck, it might outlive my grand nieces who are teenagers! It is one serious pitchfork–and it works like a charm.

That doesn’t mean the work got easier. It didn’t. In fact, it means I was able to be even more efficient and so I worked harder but faster. I sweated buckets–had to shower and change twice (once to go to McLendon’s, of course).
But the result–ahhh!!! The result was worth it.

Tomorrow we get twenty bales of hay delivered. Hope I’ve recovered sufficiently by then to help unload and stack it!