Had a Fearmongering Dream Last Night

November 20, 2023

I had a lucid dream about fearmongering last night and boy howdy, did I ever get riled up!


Obama and Trump were in it.


I loved the Obama part!


The Trump part, I sorta liked, too, because I got the better of him in it.


In the dream, I was at some kind of event (a rally?  I dunno) and there was a Fox reporter there with a handheld microphone going on and on about “something scary” which I found utterly ridiculous, so I called him on it, on air.  I told him his network was one of the chief liabilities of our nation and that it should be banned from the airwaves.


He held his arms and the mike in such a way as to indicate fear or self-protection and I said, “Look at you! Standing there like a scaredy cat because someone is challenging you to an intellectual duel. You’re always so busy ‘them and us’-ing everyone who doesn’t look and think and pee like you do. You’re always trying to divide us into camps and telling us we should be scared of each other.


“Well, guess what? I not scared of other camps. I’m not even scared of you, who is as opposite what I am as anything can be in the intellectual realm. You’re either a scared shitless little bully, or a liar, and I expect you’re some of the first and a whole lot of the last.


“I sleep in a tent in my back yard all summer long, in a suburban neighborhood where white and black and brown people and Asians and American Indians live, and I’m transgender, and there’s a homeless encampment not far from here — and not once have I been molested by anyone or denigrated or marginalized by anyone except you and your ilk in business suits and three hundred dollar haircuts.


“You make me sick. I think you are on the verge of destroying America by putting Trump and his insurrectionists and the other evangelical ideologues on the air to spout their fearmongering racist, sexist, misogynistic, xenophobic bullshit. YOU are what is wrong with this country, not the people in my neighborhood.”


And I walked off.


Not long after, I was somewhere indoors sitting on the floor behind a table (for some reason) when former President Obama approached the table. I was surprised and delighted and said, “There’s MY guy!”  (Although Joe Biden is my present President!) He  looked across the table and down at me and gave me a big grin and said, “How ya doin’?”  I said, “I’m doing great. I just told Fox News what I thought of them.”


That piqued his interest and he said, “Let’s take a walk.”


(Seriously?! All right!!!)


I jumped up and, as we walked, I told him what I’d said. He smiled, threw his head back, and laughed.  I admitted, “Not exactly my most diplomatic moment ever, but it sure felt good!”  He laughed again and then we got to where Michelle Obama was and  he introduced me to her, saying, “I’m glad he’s on OUR side!”  (He had remembered the part about me being trans!)


Michelle and I talked about their two new dogs (do they have two new dogs?) and then I found myself in a dark hallway with PO’S (sic) Trump, who walked by and slapped me on the butt as he went. I went after him immediately and said, “If you didn’t have Secret Service protecting you, I’d knock you flat on your ass for that, you traitorous piece of crap.”  He appeared  in my dream about two inches shorter than I am.


I left there and then I got to thinking (in my dream) that since he’s such a CHILD that if he became PO’S (sic) again, he’d proably have me executed for being so disrespectful, although he had started it by swatting me (and by being a traitorous piece of crap). And that made me a bit fearful, but then I remembered that fear is what that bunch WANTS, and I shook it off and said, “Whatever,” like if he had me executed he could only kill me once.


“A coward dies a thousand deaths, a brave man, only once.”


I feel certain that PO’S will not win back the office in 2024 (nor will any other Republican) because enough people have their number now. And I will sure be glad when we never, ever have  that possibility hanging over our heads again.


This has been, hands down,  the worst seven years of my entire life because of DJT and his cronies. If it continues for much longer (whether he’s in office or out and NOT in prison), Costa Rica, here I come!



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