Busy Busy!

April 8, 2014

Goodness, who opened the floodgates? I have been inundated with projects the past few days!

I’ll also be getting a long-overdue payment of $450 from a client I served more than three years ago. She had to declare bankruptcy but promised she’d pay me when she got back on her feet, and this week she’s keeping her promise.

When not writing copy for clients I’ve been …

Do Not Feed the Bears #2

1.) Creating a DO NOT FEED THE BEARS display (bear sitting on a log with a sign behind him) for the upcoming LCCK Auction. It was going to be a camping-related decoration during the event but it turned out so well that I’ll think we’ll allow people to place bids on it. I’ve taken some photos of it but can’t get them off the camera for some reason. I’m charging the battery, hoping that will give me what I need to get the photos off. It is does, I’ll post them here.

2.) Meeting the new power partner I met last week at the Federal Way networking meeting that I told you about

3.) Re-locating the six chicks to their new habitat (a shed)

4.) Singing “Something’s Coming” from West Side Story with off-key enthusiasm and aplomb

(Law of Attraction, you know. And it’s working!)

5.) Looking over my new health insurance plan. (Two thumbs up! For $25 more I got a Silver plan–for just $50/month after the subsidy! With a $250 deductible and a $500 maximum out-of-pocket all year! WHEEE! With free wellness checkups. So now I can “dance on the ceiling” over all this good news without worrying about going bankrupt in a hospital!)

6.) Walking (weather permitting), including with my sis Jackie. (She and I walked this morning for the first time at 5 a.m. I walked twice yesterday for a total of almost five miles.)

I’ve been writing for three days straight–and I’m TIRED! So I’m signing off for now.


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Which I am going to say right now. Thank you!