“Bargain Basement Copywriting Prices”

March 27, 2014


You can get your web copy or content done right…


You can get it done cheap. 

Ne’er the twain shall meet.


A responsible teaching hospital wouldn’t hire a first year medical student to do brain surgery on any of its patients.

A responsible parent wouldn’t allow a toddler to steer a Harley.

So why would a responsible business owner or entrepreneur put a greenhorn copywriter in charge of his or her business reputation?

Search me!

But take a look around. It happens all the time.

Have you scrutinized (truly reviewed) the sites you find on the Internet?  If you have, you know it’s easy to tell the web professionals (developers, designers, video producers, and writers) from the amateurs.

What is the copy on your site really saying about you? Forget what you think it’s saying. What is it really saying?

Is it all about you, or your visitor? (Correct Answer: “My visitor”)

Is it engaging, welcoming, compelling–even riveting?

If it isn’t, you didn’t hire a professional. You hired an amateur.

Or perhaps you wrote it yourself–which is better than hiring an amateur because you didn’t lose any money except for the time it took you to write your copy. And you probably got the facts straight and know who your target audience (Ideal Client) is.

If you think your target audience is “everyone,” you’re wrong. You need to read all of the posts on this blog to find out what to do to niche yourself and make sure your foundation is solid before you expand to include additional target audiences. Address the audience that’s most likely to hanker for and buy what you offer. They will help you reach the others. They’ll talk about you with fondness. They’ll LIKE and SHARE you virally wherever they engage online via social media. And they’ll be handing you the income you need to stay in business long enough to address and attract additional loyalists.

Make sense?  (Yes, dear. Of course, dear.)

To see what a professional can do with the copy you presently have, give me a call.  I’ll re-do a 250 to 400 word page or piece for you to show you a before-and-after. If you like the one I write better, pay me for it and then let’s discuss any additional pages or pieces you’d like me to tackle. When your ROI rolls in, you’ll be glad you did.

If you doubt me, split test the two (the before-and-after pages) to discover for yourself which one converts browsers into buyers best. It’s my job to know what to do to improve and enhance your copy–or to write it from scratch for you.

Let’s talk about it. My number is (253) 474-6240. I’m all ears (when I’m not all fingers-on-keyboard or head-on-pillow).  When is the best time for you? I’ll work with your schedule and meet you whenever and wherever you can.

This weekly blog is reader supported.

If you enjoy my posts, and want to show your appreciation, please do so via PayPal. (My email address for Paypal is kristinemsmith@msn.com. Remember the m between my first and last names so your gift doesn’t misfire. If you go this route, please be sure to include your email address in the notes section, so I can say thank you.

Which I am going to say right now. Thank you!