Are Writers Being “Dumbed Down” By Crappy Sales Letters?

I just read a sales piece that would gag a maggot. A self-proclaimed “expert” on a LinkedIn forum can’t fashion a grammatically-correct sentence to save his soul, let alone a half-assed sales letter.

Here’s the link, if you want a big laugh and a lesson on how NOT to write a sales letter:

The comments from the few folks who read (or started to read) the piece speak well enough for most of the writers on the LinkedIn forum, but it looks like a couple of them fell for it. (That, or they’re shills for the originator of the piece.)

If you click on the link and go there, you can add your comments to the feedback.  I think if enough of us do this we will send the gentleman screaming for the exits, never to be heard from again–which would be a good thing, in my humble opinion.

For an example of a sales letter that sucks worse than almost anything I have ever seen before, check it out!



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