“the practice or quality of including or involving people from a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds and of different genders, sexual orientations”
“the quality of being fair and impartial”
“the practice or policy of providing equal access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized, such as those who have physical or intellectual disabilities and members of other minority groups”
Only white male chickenshits
are afraid of
having to compete against,
or include,
people who don’t mirror their narrow-minded sensibilities
I’ll let Sasha Allen explain:
I am so freaking sick of this depraved administration’s animosity toward anyone who isn’t a white male chauvinist/supremacist. Its insane bigotry literally nauseates me.
And that’s all I’ll say about that, because I am not going to get into a pissing match with skunks.
(I very much doubt that there are any skunks reading this blog, but AI might be looking for people to come after, and I don’t want to be one of them, for obvious reasons. I tick too many of their boxes — AFAB, trans, political opponent, pro social justice, etc. — that I don’t need my peace of mind or plans to get out of this shithole Trumptry to be compromised.)
Not that leaving here will eliminate him and his policies from my eventual fate. If they cripple or end Social Security, I’ll be shit out of luck, as will millions of other people, no matter where we live in the world.
But the future cannot be known, so I refuse to allow any Kobayashi Maru scenario to cause me to cower in a corner. I will keep my citizenship so I can continue to vote for the nation we want instead of the one we have. But, beyond that, I’m bowing out. I’m too old to sit here and wonder what fresh hell could befall me if I stay here, so I’m not staying here.
And on that happy note…
My Spanish lessons proceed apace. I also straightened up my living room so the De/Trek stuff doesn’t take up 3/4s of it. Now it only takes up about 1/4 of it. I can live with that until the garage sales begin again in May or June. Then it will all go out into the garage, along with anything else that I need to find homes before between then and September.
In June, I will begin again to get a FBI background check, my birth certificate, and my Social Security statement apostiled so those will be ready when I fly out in September. The ones I got earlier will be out-dated by the time I get to CR in September; they’re only good for six months.
June is also the time I’ll book the flight out. Other than the King’s Books gig on une 11th, those will be my only mandatory marching orders before I leave, other than getting Charli’s immunizations and final health check squared away. I’ll get her shots in June, too. I can’t get her final health certificate until ten days before the flight in September, so that will have to happen at the very last minute, which will be nerve-wracking as hell. I hate leaving anything to the last minute. I’m well aware of Murphy’s Law, which is a chief reason why I need to buy refundable or re-bookable tickets.
I also have to sell my Kia Sedona at close to the last minute.
Mr. Tumnus and Tillie will probably be rehomed by April.
Patches is going back to Lisa, if she lives that long. (Patches is ancient.) The airlines don’t allow super old animals to fly (too stressful), and I would have to put one of them in cargo even if I could take her, which I absolutely refuse to do. Charli will be on my lap in her carrier whenever we aren’t taking off and landing, so I can reassure her all along the way that our “adventure” is a good thing.