Here is some of what I’ve been learning about moving to Costa Rica. I want to keep it handy so I can review it as the time to go approaches.
I don’t need a visa to visit Costa Rica. All I need is a passport that is good for at least two years beyond the time I’ll be there if I don’t intend to stay past 90 days. I will need confirmed arrival and departure dates and times (like a plane ticket) if I go there on a passport.
I can stay at an aparthotel in Tronadora starting at $490 for ten days.That’s just $49 a day. When I move there permanently, rentals in Tronadora (and many other places) can be procured for $490 per month (and up) while I’m looking for a permanent location to settle and either decide to buy property or rent.
I can apply for residency there either from there or from here. I will probably apply from here. There’s quite a lot of paperwork and some fees involved.
I can take my cat. But she will need all immunizations ahead of time, including a rabies shot about a month before we go there, plus a health certificate and internal and external pest check (by the vet). And (?) a copy of the import permit for your pet, which can be obtained from the Costa Rican Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock. (I have an email in to them to see if this is required.)
I need to ask my insurance broker, Katheryn Evans of Sound Strategic Solutions, if Original Medicare will cover me in Costa Rica during the ten days I visit and/or after I move there until I qualify to become a permanent resident and can apply for their Caja (socialized medicine) insurance. If not, I need to get some international health insurance until I’m a confirmed permanent resident of CR.
Relocation Hotspots Abound in Costa Rica. For more about that, here’s a good URL:
Checklist for Moving to Costa Rica:
Required Documents for residency:
Getting Residency Without a Lawyer:
Comprehensive Guide: How to Immigrate to Costa Rica – Step By Step With
Gotta get a driver license in CR even if I don’t plan to drive, looks like, as soon as I acquire “resident” status.
What I Need to Do at the U.S. Embassy:
What I Need to Do at the Embassy:
Moving checklist:
Tax Return Info