Weekend Wandering and Wondering

I was out and about today trimming kitties’ nails for a couple of friends. After that I settled in to watch the Seahawks/Browns game with my sister Jackie next door. In between all that, I was interacting with new Trek friends who introduced themselves to me after Bjo Trimble introduced me to them by sharing my event on her FB pages. What astounds me is that the new folks and I know an almost-entirely separate subset of Trek fans–which is great news, because now we can swap and share information that the other folks weren’t getting.
Bjo’s reach is high and wide–across the known sci-fi universe. Although I enjoyed sci-fi as kid and still do occasionally as an adult, I never got into joining sci-fi societies except for Star Trek TOS. My main focus has always been DeForest Kelley, who wasn’t all that much into sci-fi, either, except that he loved the stories that Star Trek told during his time with the series.
I always feel a little like a deer in headlights when other sci-fi and Trek series come up because I didn’t follow any of them. I tried for a year and a half to adore TNG but it never got into the blood the way TOS did. I hear it got better later but I got away from television entirely after that and only attend movies that have a chance (usually) to make it to the Oscar telecast. In other words, if the entertainment industry depended on me for its existence, it would long since have disappeared! My life’s work and critter-based activities are sufficiently stimulating and “entertaining” (feast-or-famine, dodging roadblocks that stand between me and my goals, stuff like that) that, at the end of each day, it’s all I can do to eat dinner, read or write a little, and then hit the hay! I don’t need to deescalate or vegetate: I need to sleep so I’m prepared for the next day! This way, I probably get measurably more done at home than the average TV watcher and movie-goer, so it’s no surprise that watching TV or movies isn’t high on my list of “must-do’s”; spending time to do them takes time away from getting to my most passionate “wanna do’s. (my goals).
That said, there are a couple word games I play occasionally (that figures, doesn’t it–since I’m a professional wordsmith?) so that’s my favorite form of relaxation and entertainment… I’m an anachronism, I suppose (don’t even own a cell phone)… but it works for me. I have a Kindle Fire so I can connect remotely to my home PC when necessary and check my business email and FB pages, but that’s the extent of the state-of-the-art technology in my world. I like the space. I need the space. Being connected all the time would make me bat-guano crazy. (I’m either an introvert or a beaten-down extrovert–haven’t quite figured that one out yet! I was discouraged mightily from being an extrovert as a kid and have never recovered from that “lesson” fully.)
But with the “Christmas Tree Brain” (heightened anticipation because of the upcoming book launch on January 8th) I’m currently experiencing, I’m really getting into meeting new De/Trek friends. So during all of today’s wandering and wondering I’ve carried the names of new folks with me…and it has been wonderful. I feel swaddled in an aura of goodwill that quite matches this holiday season of “peace on earth, goodwill to all!”
I’m loving it..a LOT!