I have no idea when I last took an entire weekend off, but I’m doing it this weekend. It feels fabulous!
Yesterday I went bike riding with the Phil McNiven family–Phil, Wendy, Casey and Jamie. We rode 15 miles on the Orting Trail (round trip from the park). When I got back I took a nap (hadn’t slept long enough the two nights previously) and then Lisa Twining Taylor and I accepted Rhonda and John Wilson’s invitation to check out a first annual Summitville gathering. The gathering featured a live band, smorgasbord, campfire, picnic tables and good times surrounded by a pasture with at least one llama and lots of sheep.
It was well-shaded (you had to actually look for spots to sit in the sun), intimate and family-like. It’s a good venue for small gatherings in the Summit area. It’s located between Vickery and Canyon Roads on 80th. The family that owns the property wants area residents to know about it. They want to make it available to families for reunions, networking meetings during great weather, and the like.
This morning I did my church thing, then returned home to find a voice mail message from a gentleman asking me to call him on Monday. He has a website he wants to fill with copy. WOO HOO! Someone recommended me to him. WOO HOO TIMES TWO! I’ll find out who tomorrow…