With Hillary Rodham Clinton now (reportedly) “the presumptive nominee” of the Democratic Party establishment–a claim I find both precarious and presumptuous, since Bernie polls far better against so-called anti-establishment (HA HA HA!) Donald Trump than she does–I think it’s time for this idealistic, optimistic “reporter”–me!–to leap into the fray to console and remind the distraught, dismayed and disappointed in Bernie’s camp of just one thing…
A political revolution doesn’t happen in a single election cycle!!!
Bernie knew this going in. What he decides to do next with the clout he has earned will be crucial to the eventual success of his decades of hard work.
As a direct result of Bernie’s influence during the present campaign, I foresee the Democratic party adopting a far more progressive platform than it would have had Senator Sanders not taken the stand he did and fought like hell for the progressive, fair-minded issues we all care so much about.
I intend to follow Bernie’s lead, whatever road he travels next because, as I stated in an earlier blog post (link below), he has his finger on the pulse of what will work best as he moves forward to stake a claim on the American Dream for more of its hard-working citizens. I believe in him and in his vision for America. I hope Hillary Clinton does, too, because if she prevails to become the first woman President of the United States (a BFD in Joe Biden’s unforgettable terminology when the ACA passed), she’ll get only one term if she fudges and doesn’t work as hard as Bernie has all these years to make the federal government work for all of us, not just the oligarchs, plutocrats, military/industrial complex, and corporations that shamelessly influence it now (and always have, truth to tell; it has just gotten worse instead of better thanks to Citizens United and Reagan’s dismantling of unions back in the 1980’s.)
I hope the following song from Avenue Q helps. It sure helped me when I heard it for the first time last night at the Lakewood Playhouse.
The people will prevail eventually. I just hope I get to see it during my lifetime!