The Other Shoe Drops

OK, I was in tears earlier this morning but I’ve recovered enough to communicate what’s happening now.
Createspace just let me know that I have to charge significantly more than I anticipated for the color edition of DeForest Kelley Up Close and Personal, A Harvest of Memories from the Fan Who Knew Him Best. The cost I researched earlier didn’t factor in Createspace’s percentage of the profits; it only factored in the cost to me as an author if I wanted to order copies and sell them offline myself at conventions, book signings, and other venues (Createspace doesn’t get a percentage of those beyond the printing costs).
So when I was bandying about the earlier prices, they didn’t take into account CS’s percentages. In fact, the color edition can’t even be offered (CS won’t allow it!!) unless the price is at least $42.99 per book–and even at that price, I wouldn’t make a red cent: Amazon/CS would be the sole financial benefactor.
I also have to factor in shipping and other charges, so I’ve decided I’m going to have to charge $69.99 each for the color version: $24.99 for the black and white inside version. Everybody I’ve talked to this morning says the new prices are perfectly all right and totally legitimate these days for a 350-page title with as many images in it as mine has; they say that some monthly color magazines with fewer than a hundred pages and too-damn-many ads run $39.99 each and are nowhere near as “keepsake-worthy” as my book will be.
I’m just hyperventilating over this because I hate it when a quality product gets priced beyond the reach of so many fans. I wanted to be able to offer this title at a price even a school-going/non-working teenager (or their working parent/s) and financially-strapped Social Security recipients could afford without a sweat. In short, I didn’t want it to be beyond any De fan’s reach!
I consider this title my Magnum Opus, my contribution to enhancing and extending DeForest Kelley’s legacy to the generations who came before or shortly after he passed away and those who will come later. I wanted it to be available so freaking affordably that no one would even have to think twice about snapping it up. And here I am, having to raise prices just so I don’t shoot myself in the foot!
It stinks!
So the first order of business is to apologize for giving out too-low estimates as to what DeForest Kelley Up Close and Personal was going to cost. I do believe the book is well worth the new prices and that readers will feel they get a lot more value from the book than they paid to get it..or I’d pull it back now. Fans and friends keep telling me not to despair; it’s all going to be just fine…
If De’s looking down right now, he’s probably shaking his head and chuckling. He knows his fans better than I do. I just wanted to do this so no fans get left out because of price.
It’s killing me!
UPDATE: Fans are emailing me now. What a blessing!
From Rod Janpol: