The Current Violence-Inducing Hatred is all on Trump and the GOP

July 15, 2024

If it weren’t for the recent attempted assassination this weekend, I probably wouldn’t even be going here on this blog.  But I want to set the record straight:


The only candidate who is almost constanly espousing/promoting/encouraging violence is the one whose blood ran from the top of his ear this weekend.


(Making the entire event appear, on its face,  to be a staged photo op, even though it probably wasn’t. Questions prompting the speculation: Why did the Secret Service let him poke his head back up and raise his fist and arm as they lifted him up and as he entered the vehicle to head to a medical facility?  Did they know for a fact that the assassination attempt was over? Or did they know something else we are not privy to? See how conspiracy theories get started? The entire event looked suspicious. Any sane victim would have been far more shaken than he appeared  to be immediately after being shot at and piled on by body guards.)


The other candidate, President Biden, has never encouraged his followers to “fight like hell or you’re not going to have a country anymore” even though he certainly has the better claim to the veracity of the statement (Project 2025, the January 6th attempt to thwart the will of voters, and more).


It’s only logical that more people profess to hate Donald Trump  


Those who disagree with President Biden’s policies don’t hate him; they simply don’t share his values. He is not a hate-able public servant. The former guy is.


So, whenever Trump’s red-faced, hate-filled lies and mischaracterizations of marginalized people fill the airwaves, there is going to be an equal and opposite reaction. People are going to hate him for being the malignant narcissist, congenital liar, and wannabe dictator he is. I can easily envision any number of incited, short-sighted individuals who are so sick of hearing the ManBaby whine and rant losing their minds and saying, “That’s enough. By God, I’ll take this matter into my own hands.”


The fact that the alleged shooter was a registered Republican is telling. Even a lot of Republicans hate Trump because of how he has polluted/annihilated their party.


If the hate is going to stop, it has to start with Trump. He started it, just as he inspired and encouraged the insurrection, and he is the only one who can stop it. His cult listens to him. They wear diapers for him and t-shirts that proclaim,”He can grab my p—-.”


He is the only “moderator” who holds his followers in thrall.


“As you sow, so shall you reap.” Read your Bible, Donald!


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