Tall Ship Sail has Been Postponed … and More News

April 15, 2022



Ahoy, mateys!  The tall ship sail on Lady Washington, originally scheduled for this coming Wednesday, has been cancelled because the weather here in the Pacific NW decided to turn arctic again, so Lisa and I have postponed the adventure until later this year. We don’t have a date yet, so I’ll keep you posted when we do. The lady who took my cancellation call couldn’t have been nicer about it. I promised her we will be back as soon as the weather cooperates. (Even though she is probably getting a lot of these calls! Maybe she’s glad because the crews probably don’t want to freeze, either!)



I wrote and posted a GoFundMe campaign for my friend Ben Taylor, who needs new dentures. So far, ten percent ($200) of what we need has come in, so I’ve sweetened the pot to let contributors know that whoever contributes $75 or more will get a complementary PDF of one of any of my books they want, and if they live on the mainland U.S, I’ll even sign a copy of their chosen title to them or to whomever they want me to personalize it to.  Here is the link for you to share and/or contribute funds to get Ben some much-needed new choppers: https://gofund.me/ddc49747.  The ones he has now are over 25 years old and worn down so his mouth is getting sore and he’s losing weight because eating has become such a chore.




I shared in an earlier post that I had let one of my best/favorite clients know that we need to work a little differently if they want me to serve them going forward. They have provided what I need for the next task, but I have yet to receive confirmation that they will be happy to keep working in this slightly new way, so I feel a little bit “on the ropes” still.


I have discovered that I feel okay about it, no matter which way it goes as far as what they decide, but I DO definitely want to continue working with them as long as there is enough flexibility for me to “have it my way” without causing them to feel it’s asking too much on their end.  (I don’t think it is. None of my other clients consider what I require to do my job burdensome. If I thought what I’m asking of the client was a bridge too far, I would have just given notice that I’d be leaving before much longer rather than ask for the accommodation.)  I am hopeful that they will find the method as satisfying as I do. I know it will save them money and that I will be able to work stress-free if it happens. My forte is writing riveting content and copy.  All else that had been required of me is something that an administrative assistant can do for a lot less money.  I rather think this is a win-win for all concerned, or I would have cut bait and rowed away rather than bring it up.




I’m happy to report that both of my friends are out of the hospital now. Alas, one of them (the one in the southern hemisphere) has learned that her heart is beginning to fail, so we’re terribly concerned about that. The doctors are doing what they can, but it isn’t looking real great at the moment. Thankfully, they have been able to relieve the pain she has been experiencing for days by draining fluid from around her heart. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers… I won’t divulge her name unless she gives me permission, but the powers that be in the universe know who she is!


I drove to Yelm to see the other one yesterday, and was able to help him out a little by getting some groceries for him and by cleaning his kitties’ litter box. A friend (who wishes to remain anonymous) donated a small freezer full of fish and beef to him, so he won’t have to go out and get much more for a while.  I have some more of it here at my place, because I didn’t know how much space he had in his fridge-top freezer. Turns out I could have brought it all, but I didn’t know that. No biggy. I can drive there again when he gets low on what I delivered yesterday.




My critters are all fine. I just cleaned the 55-gallon fish tank again. There are some baby guppies in there now, so I had to be very careful not to suck any of them up.  My rats are doing great but they’re overweight so I need to cut back on their treats. My cats and goats are doing well, too.




I’m going to have my annual bloodwork panel taken next week to be sure everything looks good prior to the oral surgery. I have to reduce my Warfarin dosage a wee bit (but I don’t have to come off it entirely) to be sure the bleeding risk remains low.  The oral surgery isn’t a seriously bloody deal but the surgeon wants me as close to 2.0 as I can get. I’m at 2.2 right now, so getting to 2.0 will just take reducing the dosage from one tablet to half a tablet once or twice. I will have my INR level tested the day before surgery to be sure it’s in range for the procedure.




Today I managed to get in 10K steps again.  It has been too cold and windy recently for me to get outside, so this morning I walked in the house for most of the 10K steps and then I finished them off this afternoon while the sun was out. My kitty Charli decided she wanted me to carry her around the back yard while I walked, so she got mighty heavy before I finally decided we’d been “bosom buddies” long enough and put her down.


I guess that’s all the news that’s fit to print for this time.  I’m reading two books (multi-tasking) and watching movies I missed when I swore off all forms of entertainment for about 30 years.  Just saw GOOD MORNING VIETNAM and BETWEEN GOOD FRIENDS in the past two days. (Yeah, I know. But hey, better late than never, right?!)







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