Star Trek Banner, New Day Northwest

July 31, 2016

DeBook Convention Banner


My Star Trek convention banner arrived a few days ago.  Here’s a photo of it, although De’s face looks distorted because I had just rolled it out and the vinyl was puckering there and in a few other, less-distracting place. The actual image itself looks fine!


I will have this at every other table I sit behind as a professional copywriter. It’s a great “come hither” banner to attract people who might otherwise not give an unknown (to them) copywriter the time of day.


All outside-the-box-but-kindred subject matter (authors write books; copywriters write websites, brochures, flyers, etc.) can attract clients and readers; I can never know which aspect of my personal or professional background will be the “magic carpet” that carries a new person nto my orbit. A banner like this one is DE-signed to do just that…


In Other News…


Don’t forget to tune in to KING 5 TV’s talk show New Day Northwest on Tuesday, August 2nd at 11 a.m.!!!


I’ve chosen my outfit for New Day Northwest. I showed my sister Jackie what I had in my closet–about eight possibilities. She considered them and then disappeared into her wardrobe to present me with nice-looking dress-casual top. I loved it!  I added a pair of brown pants to it and borrowed a pair of Jackie’s brown dress shoes. The combination looks terrific.


Jackie is going to do my makeup on Tuesday morning, too. Not that I’m going to look all that different, but I do want the cameras to be able to see my blue eyes better.


Working her makeup magic, Jackie will even out my complexion and little things to make sure my best physical/facial features stand out. I don’t want to look washed out/pale during my six minutes of fame…


I need to try to remember to mention the two newest versions of DeForest Kelley Up Close and Personal on Tuesday (audio book and PDF versions, available only from my new website,  I suppose I should jot down my short list of “must mentions” so I don’t forget what I’m there for. But I presume the host, Margaret Larson, will keep me on track; she’s a terrific interviewer and knows that people get nervous when they’re on TV, if TV isn’t a part of their weekly repertoire!


I’m having momentary “panic attacks” while anticipating the potential value of my appearance–not debilitating ones, but they do keep reminding me–in less than pleasant ways–that a Big Thing is about to happen and I need to be at the top of my game if it’s going to do what it needs to do to become my “breakthrough” from relative obscurity to “mass market visibility.


It feels a little daunting. How do I manage my nerves well enough to be truly myself (relaxed , fun, intelligent, familial, cordial, comfortable)?




I know the New Day set and Ms. Larson will help me with this.  I just have to remember to breathe and interact naturally…


Self-Talk: “I can do this.  It isn’t rocket science…”


Scare Talk: “More eyeballs will be on you for six minutes than have been on you in your entire life!”




Time to write some affirmations so my nerves stay calm and the real me can shine!!!














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