My Special Report is ready now! You’ll need to opt in (by giving me your email address and name to get it) but that’s all. The report is free but the information in it will help boost your bottom line if you’re a business owner or entrepreneur intent on writing your own copy.

Glow and Compel
Copywriters, I’ll have a Special Report for you later on that you’ll opt in to get, too. I haven’t forgotten about you! I know you’re already benefiting from the insights you’ve gleaned here but we’re in this together and there are things I’ll be sharing with you that I won’t be sharing with everyone else. Some of it will be curmudgeonly and snarky but it will all be valuable. So hang in there! I’ll be sharing with you some stories about “clients from hell” and explaining how to discern who they are so you can avoid them. (Some income costs too much.)
But for now… On to other matters!
Refresher Course (from an earlier blog)
Do you think “web copy” and “web content” are one and the same?
(Ponder, ponder.)
If you do, you’re doing one of them wrong.
Web copy is sales copy. (Direct response but light years different than the off-web way.)
Web content is predominantly informational.
This blog, for example, is heavy on web content and light on web copy–and when web copy is included, it isn’t in-your-face. Web content consists of advertorials, helpful insights, recommendations, and other information that offers value to a targeted group of readers.
Web copy offers value, too, but usually to a much smaller subset of a target audience. For example, a lot of you already have websites that are working for you, so my testimonial (web copy) about WordPress web maven Lisa Twining Taylor will only resonate with those of you who don’t already have smokin’ websites. You don’t need what she does and you may not know anyone else who does. (More’s the pity because she’s offering ridiculously low prices at the moment for a five page basic website. Would you believe $599?) You may not need what I do right now, either.
But when and if you do, you’ll think of me because I’ve been helping you get the lay of the land and learn about what to look for (quality-wise) when hiring various professionals. The education you’re getting here is what this site is about. If sales come from it, super duper and hallelujah–but that isn’t my focus. My focus is on helping make you a savvier buyer so you don’t get taken in by charlatans. And that’s what web content is supposed to do. Google and the other search engines LOVE web content. Most web visitors do, too…