Sometimes I Could Just Kick Myself …

April 11, 2021

Sometimes I could just kick myself to the moon and back for being too generous with my time and talent.


Here’s a recent example:


I have started to follow up with clients I write copy and content for since they so seldom get back to me except for additional copy and content work.


And what an experience it has been for me.


Client testimonials are nice, especially when they’re all as wonderful as 99.99% of mine are, but it’s RESULTS that prospective clients want to hear about, and I have been lax about following up to see what clients mean when they testify in writing (via  review) that I did a good job for them.


So, a couple days ago I dropped inquiries to some of my most recent clients.


Almost immediately, I got this one back from Eli Dent, a young entrepreneur who wrote me a glowing review for the way I collaborated with him during our interview and came through for him with the copy I wrote.


To refresh your memory (or just to share in case you haven’t gone to my testimonials page recently), here’s what Eli wrote about our budding association with each other:



Copywriter for Crowdfunding Campaign Needed

Rating is 5 out of 5.

 5.00 Feb 19, 2021

“Kris is the answer. I submitted a posting for copywriters to help me with my crowdfunding profile. More than 50 people applied, and Kris was the only one that knew how to really speak to me as a potential client… so I had a hunch that he probably also knows how to speak to my audience. I met with him and immediately realized the depth of his expertise. For our small business, yes, budget is ReALLy important… but if we just focus on getting the cheapest deal we can find, we will never survive. Kris was not the cheapest deal we could find. He clearly positioned himself that way. He knows the value of his work and that’s the type of people that our small business will MAKE room in our budget for. We want to work with professionals that can deliver meaningful results above all else and Kris is 100% that. I was very pleased with his work and the precision of his language. He grabs attention, keeps it, tells a consistent story, concisely, for the end goal of conversion. Really beautiful work… and as a bonus, he’s a beautiful human being as well! I will definitely be working with Kris again… and while I hope this review brings Kris more work, I hope it’s not so much that we can’t keep hiring him! He’s fantastic and a professional– and I highly recommend that if you want a good copywriter, you hire Kris.” – Eli Dent, Sidekik USA, LLC


When I reached back to him two days ago, this is the response I got:


Hi Kris! We have yet to publicly launch on the platform,

but already through our private initiatives, we have raised over $50k!

This is what your copy has enabled us to accomplish so far! — Eli Dent


What an eye-opener!


And here’s why I’m kicking myself to the moon and back. I charged an embarrasingly small amount to do the work  for him.  ($500.00. And Upwork got 20% of that, so I only got $400.)


I knew in my gut that his product was going to be a huge hit.  I knew it!  There was no doubt!


But because I hadn’t written in the niche before, I felt I shouldn’t charge a lot because …


Because I talked myself out of it.


Because he’s a good guy, I adore him, and I wanted to make absolutely sure he got his money’s worth.


And boy howdy, has he!!!


I’m practically in tears over this.


I hope to high heaven he sends me a huge bonus at some point, because I shot myself in the foot big time in my effort to make sure I didn’t disappoint him too horribly IF IF IF the copy didn’t do the job I expected it to…


I am NEVER EVER going to second guess myself like that again.


And now I’m half afraid to ask any more clients how they did with the copy I wrote for them.  I already feel lousy enough (in a wonderful sort of way: I’m thrilled to death for Eli!) over this gob-smacking response.


I know my copy has earned clients literally millions of dollars. That’s pretty much a no-brainer… or else they wouldn’t be coming back to me to serve them (those who have additional products or services to sell).


I know the value of evergreen copy and content. I just haven’t been charging enough for it…  and so my bank account remains anemic while my clients rake in the bucks.


That’s utterly NUTS! I am a fricking idiot!   (I’m telling myself: “Now, be nicer to yourself, Kris. Consider it a learning experience!”)


So, no more.  If people want me to write evergreen copy and content for them, they’re going to pay what it’s worth.


I need to stop being a wuss when it comes to naming and claiming my ability to help my clients succeed in their niches.


This craziness has to STOP!


I don’t want to have to hope and pray for big bonuses for copy and content I write.  That’s crazy! I need to ask for an appropriate amount up front to do the work or get a contract written that requires a percentage of the profits in perpetuity if the client balks at reasonable up front rates for converting copy!


That’s what being is business is all about — making my life more secure financially — or why do it?


I do it because I love writing, mostly.


But I need the money, too.


So I have to put on my businessman’s hat and freaking charge what I’m worth!


Lesson learned…



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Which I am going to say right now. Thank you!