- 253-474-6240
- kris (at) wordwhisperer.net
- Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 5:00
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a fancy technical phrase that leaves a lot of people looking like a deer caught in headlights. But SEO isn’t rocket science. It is a way to get interested individuals to your message at exactly the moment they’re looking for what you do and are most motivated to engage with you and buy.
The Scoop: Google and other search engines have devised algorithms to help the websites with the best information pop to the top and onto, or as close to, page one as they can be. They had to do this because there are literally billions of websites and landing pages out there; rifling through all of them one by-one to find the best options would take more than several thousand lifetimes. So although “black hat” and “grey hat” SEO providers swear at algorithm changes, most Internet users swear by the changes. We all want to be able to find the best information and options fast when we’re running an online search for a product, service, or cause.
White hat SEO providers play by the rules. They don’t try to game the system by keyword stuffing, placing shady back links, or doing any of the other ‘tricks of the black hat trade’ that have gotten so many websites flagged and de-listed by Google until they redeem themselves. White hat SEO providers make sure that the copy on their websites is engaging and informational and that it serves the seeker as well as, or better than, it serves a website owner’s bottom line.
Great copy is crucial to making it toward the top of search engine results. And as of April 21st 2015 so does having a responsive website (a site that re-sizes itself to appear on any size screen, including hand-held mobile devices) so that no scrolling back and forth is required to read what’s on the screen.
If you’re looking for a SEO copywriter who knows how to (in Guy Kawasaki’s uniquely-punctuated way) “Write.Good.Sh**’, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s talk!