For those of you who are benefiting from reading this blog on DIY copy writing, I would love it if you’d write a testimonial for me along these lines.
My other testimonials are for writing, not for teaching/coaching, and I’d like to start offering myself as a copy writing coach locally and eventually create e-books about various aspects of writing copy.
So can you help me out? I know some of you have already told me in person and on Facebook how much value you’re receiving, but I would love to have it in writing for present and future marketing pieces. It would help me out a lot.
Send them to me at kristinemsmithATmsnDOTcom and put in the Subject Line: Copywriting Coach Testimonial or something else that lets me know what the email is about.
Also let me know your mailing address and how you want to be identified in the marketing pieces (by first and last name, first name and last initial only, company name, city, state, etc.).
Thanks so much!