Say Their Names & VOTE THEM OUT: The GOP Death Squad

May 28, 2022

The vast majority of GOP representatives are guilty of encouraging the racist Pieces Of Shit who have been murdering people of color for the past century and a half, including racist police officers. These days they are even turning a blind eye to children being gunned down in elementary and high school classrooms because “2nd amendment.”

This is the full text of the Second Amendment:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Well regulated militias do not assassinate schoolchildren in their classrooms or people in grocery stores with weapons of mass destruction.


Remember: when the Second Amendment was written, it referred to the firearms of their day, which were single shot weapons that took more than 15 seconds to load after each single projectile had been fired. That’s a far cry from the weapons of war that have been devised since then, or we’d all be allowed to build and create nuclear arsenals.  The line has to be drawn somewhere, and I think it should be at “firearms that can kill dozens in seconds.”

I’m not anti-second amendment, although it is an anachronism these days (along with slavery and the earlier privilege of keeping people of color and women from voting or from being free agents of their own fates), since the authors did not foresee a day when citizens could procure weapons of mass destruction.


Weapons of mass destruction should not be in the hands of citizens. 

But because they are so easily accessible now, even law enforcement officers are afraid of “taking a victim to the rescue” when they respond to shooters in schools, as happened just recently in Uvalde, Texas.

When I took Arrest, Search and Seizure training in Sacramento California in the 80’s and Emergency Warden training at Warner Bros in Southern California in the 90’s, the first thing I was taught was, “Don’t take a victim (myself) to the rescue.”  Translation: Don’t put yourself in harm’s way because you can’t help anyone when you become incapacitated or dead. 


The ONLY way to stop the carnage is to do what all the other civilized nations have done: take mental health and gun control measures that keep weapons out of the hands of the criminally insane. As far as I’m concerned, anyone who carries a weapon of mass destruction into a classroom is criminally insane.  There is absolutely no reason on earth for anyone who is not a law enforcement officer to be carrying a weapon into a schoolyard or school.


And barricading schools isn’t the answer. That’s the line of last defense. The first line of defense is taking all weapons of mass destruction out of the hands of everyone who isn’t in a war zone, period. (Let ’em keep their single shot hunting rifles and handguns for self defense. I’m not anti-gun. I’m anti-killing sprees.)


Especially since Faux Noise, the NRA and the GOP politicians who are in the pockets of weapons makers and the NRA are in the business of making all their adherents as paranoid as they possibly can when it comes to other people!!!!


Click here for Katie Couric’s list of the representatives whose coffers are filled with blood money from the NRA


The Top ten are listed below, with the amount of money they have received from the NRA.


1. Mitt Romney, Utah: $13,647,676

2. Richard Burr, North Carolina: $6,987,380

3. Roy Blunt, Missouri: $4,555,722

4. Thom Tillis, North Carolina: $4,421,333

5. Cory Gardner, Colorado: $3,939,199

6. Marco Rubio, Florida: $3,303,355

7. Joni Ernst, Iowa: $3,124,773

8. Rob Portman, Ohio: $3,063,327

9. Todd C. Young, Indiana: $2,897,582

10. Bill Cassidy, Louisiana: $2,867,074

(Notably, Senate Minority Leader and hypocritical bastard Mitch McConnell sits at #18. He condemned Trump for encouraging the January 6th insurrection immediately after the incident and then voted to protect him and the other GOP reps who were in cahoots with the attempted coup and on hand to vote against the certification of the fair —and fully contested and reaffirmed — election of Joe Biden.  This man will go down in history as a scourge to this nation if we fight back hard enough via landslide victories to win our country back from these racist, sexist, xenophobic, misogynist traitors to our American ideals!!!)


The link goes on to report the following (and I quote):

“According to the Brady Campaign’s list, McConnell has accepted $1,267,139 from the NRA.

“Also worth mentioning is the fact that both senators from Texas, where this appalling elementary school shooting happened, are also on the list.

Ted Cruz comes in at #26 with $176,274 in NRA donations, followed by John Cornyn at #35 with $78,945.”


The Couric piece ends this way: 


“This very weekend — literally days after the most deadly school shooting since Sandy Hook — Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, and former president Donald Trump are all scheduled to speak at the NRA’s annual meeting.

“The kicker? The group that spends millions of dollars preventing common-sense gun legislation from being enacted has one particularly notable rule for its big event: ‘No guns allowed.'”


The bald fact is that the vast majority of GOP representatives are all guilty of voting to protect the privileges of white male supremacists and other deranged people to assassinate others.  The January 6th insurrection was a recent example of the GOP’s willingness to excuse far right attacks on, and assassinations of, elected officials (including VP Mike Pence and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi). The so-called self-proclaimed pro-life party of family values only values white male supremacist families.  The rest of us are fair game on their hunting lists.



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