Rested Peacefully Last Night

September 11, 2024

With every day that passes, every time I see Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, I feel more hopeful, less frazzled, and far more easy to lull into restful sleep at night.


No more intrusive Post Trump Stress Syndrome panic attacks, no more waiting for the other shoe to drop, no more worrying about how fast I can get out of the U.S. if Trump wins again.


That’s all in the rearview mirror.


The only people still trapped in semi-panic mode exist in delusional “hellhole” perspectives about what is destined to happen when ALL Americans get a fair shake and an Opportunity Economy that works for everybody. It’s quite possible they have no true friends or relatives who are people of color, female, LGBTQIA+, disabled, or in any other marginalized category, so they simply don’t care if our lives are desperate as long as their own lives are okay. Those of us who treasure and enjoy the camaradarie of diverse individuals simply cannot in good conscience (or even in bad conscience) support the sexist, misogynistic, xenophobic stalwarts at the head of the GOP ticket.


It’s really that simple.



Today’s GOP platform is anti-freedom, anti-female, anti-POC, anti-immigrant, and anti-American



GOP operatives spin tales of America being invaded and infested by other Americans (from south of the border), broad-brushing desperate asylum seekers as undesirable rapists, murderers, felons, drug lords and terrorists. Trump himself fits at least three of those four categories (bolded and italicized) all on his own, and he lives on this side of the border, as do so many of his adherents. And he loves dictators, imagining himself the greatest of them all, because he’s always the greatest of all in his own fevered mind, you know. (He has called his supporters “basement dwellers” and fallen soldiers “suckers and losers.) (I have more respect for his supporters than he has, and that’s about a thimble full these days! I realize they’re deluded, not downright evil — well, not the ones I know, anyway.  They have confessed to me to being “not nice” people, but not to being downright evil!)


The GOP is painting a dystopian hellscape where none exists. They’re Chicken Littles.


The rest of us have friends, relatives and neighbors from all walks of life. We see each other as human beings with similar needs and desires.  We’re not at each other’s throats.


It’s time to de-escalate and learn how to relax again.  Try it.  See what happens.


It feels like heaven on earth.


And only Satan and his minions could find fault with that.

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