My first Social Security deposit arrived this weekend. I cannot tell you how relieved I am to know that I will be able to cover my expenses (with a nice chunk left over) this month and every month for the foreseeable without stressing about how many (or few) writing projects I land. Anything I make now as a writer will be great to have and put toward a ROTH IRA or other retirement option, but I won’t be tied to my chair and endless networking meetings to make sure I earn enough to fulfill my monthly obligations.
- I will never again have to work another weekend unless I want to
- I will never again have to accept another project that doesn’t absolutely float my boat
- I will never again need to scramble just to keep my head above water financially
If that isn’t just about the coolest thing I can imagine after eight long years of relentless hustle, bustle and trauma/drama (feast or famine months), I don’t know what is.
My financial adviser said she didn’t know why I didn’t do this two years ago when I first became eligible to retire early. I didn’t because of all the scare tactics that are used to keep people working for as long as humanly possible…and because, frankly, I’ve only been doing what I love doing (writing for a living) since 2007…so I didn’t feel eager to retire (or I should say semi-retire, because I certainly am not going to stop writing for existing and future clients). “Retire from writing? Only when they pry the keyboard from my cold, dead fingers!”
Some people write to live. I live to write…Ever since grade school I have been a writing fool. Writing saved my life (and probably my sanity).
In Other News:
- The ghostwriting job I mentioned last time begins June 15th.
- The Jimi Hendrix funeral documentary will be delayed at least a week because the lady I was supposed to meet at noon today had to cancel until later this week.
- Another client who wants a video script written for a kickstarter campaign is pending but not confirmed.
It’s all good! I no longer have to stress over how soon clients get underway with me; my basic needs are taken care of. God Bless Social Security. After 50 years of paying into it, I am finally reaping the rewards and fully recognizing its immense value and necessity.
I spent some of the weekend outdoors with my goats. Got bit by a mosquito that must’ve been packing a double dose of Whack-a-Kris because my forearm has a welt on it that’s larger than a half dollar. Guess I need to get some insect repellent before my next foray to the grasslands beyond our back fence!
I spent the rest of the weekend working in the yard and garden with my sister. The results are fabulous. I’ll share some photos to prove it to you…

I’m going to start planning speaking/teaching engagements for July and August. The middle of June will be taken up hosting my cousin from Colorado, and I doubt I can get anything set up in time to offer a class in late June, so I’ll shoot for July and August.
I can also start thinking about writing a new book! How cool is that! Just have to think of a topic. (Any requests or suggestions, anyone?)
It’s just amazing what can happen when every day isn’t consumed by looking for copy writing work.
I’m still open for business, just no longer fretting if new clients don’t discover me or present clients don’t use me often enough. This feels like heaven on earth after fifty years of paycheck-to-paycheck subsistence living. Hallelujah!