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July 2, 2021

If you need crystal clear analysis of our present precarious perch on democracy in the US, subscribe to Letters from an American NOW.  It’s free and utterly priceless!!!


The author is historian Heather Cox Richardson, and the information she is sharing is hair-raising.


Right now she says — and shows — that we’re in a political situation very much like the post-Reconstruction era following the Civil War. White supremacists are trying to hold onto the power they have to make and break other’s lives.


It is up to us, as voters, to decide if we want to remain a racist, white supremacist overlord-type culture, or if we want to embrace equal rights and justice for all.


You know where I stand.


I fully realize that the nation was founded by rich white men for rich white men — landowners, slave holders, subjugators and literal tyrants of women, indigenous populations, and other unfortunate people who stood between them and where they wanted to go.


But athwart the centuries, and despite the fact that rich white people still hold the reins of power in most ways, the American people have insisted that rich white men aren’t the only people who should have the power they do. We all want to work, live, love and enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, no matter our gender, color, or creed.


And most of us aren’t rapacious or drunk on the mythical cork of “manifest destiny.”  All we want is a level playing field and relief from the way we’re marginalized, misused and subjugated now.


I subscribe to the ethic that all humans are created equal. No one should be marginalized by the color of their skin, their gender, or their physical condition or abilities. Every United States citizen should have an equal say in the trajectory of this nation’s future and their own lives.


The shackles need to come off so we aren’t hobbled by white male supremacist notions.


I’m tired of rich white men calling the shots.  They are, for the most part, tyrannical psychopaths, resolutely committed to remaining in the catbird’s seat.  They look down on the rest of us.


It’s time they abdicated.  But they won’t do it willingly. That much is certain.


We need to act in concert to vote them out, to register voters, and to send them home where they can’t hurt as many people are they are now.



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Which I am going to say right now. Thank you!