Planning My Next Adventure!

September 8, 2024

I’m planning my next adventure, which will begin after my cataract surgery later this month and early next OR after the November 5th election.


Since I’m retired from copy/content/feature writing for the most part, I’m going to start live recording excerpts from all of my existing books and putting them up on YouTube or Facebook so additional people get exposed to them. I needto focus on getting some passive income coming in, and the best way to do that is to let more people know that I’ve written some stinking awesome books that have never received the attention they deserve, which has been MY fault entirely.  I’ve been so busy selling other people’s products and services that I’ve neglected to prmote my own.  (I’ve been like the auto mechanic who never gets around to addressing his own chariot!)


And since I can’t afford to market them by placing ads, I will focus on getting the word out about them in other ways,


I hope those of you who have read one of more of my books will join me in the effort by posting links to the videos after they go live. And if you’d like to get in on the LIVE recordings as they happen by asking me a few follow-up questions about the excerpts I’ll be reading, please let me know. I DON’T think I want to turn these readings into podcasts; that’s too much effort.I want it to be a casual, live fun event without any pressure.


The first book I’ll be reading excerpts from will be LET NO DAY DAWN THAT THE ANIMALS CANNOT SHARE, Extended Edition. But my books are on many different topics. You can see the list here:


Please let me know your thoughts about how best to proceed.  YouTube channel?  Facebook Live?  Some other option?


I will be sonsidering all options. And of course I will be available for interviews and podcasts if you want me as a guest on your shows, orif you suggest which podcasts/shows to reach out to to appear on.


It sounds exciting — and I’m ready to turn the page and start engaging again!



This weekly blog is reader supported.

If you enjoy my posts, and want to show your appreciation, please do so via PayPal. (My email address for Paypal is Remember the m between my first and last names so your gift doesn’t misfire. If you go this route, please be sure to include your email address in the notes section, so I can say thank you.

Which I am going to say right now. Thank you!