In a little while Sue and I will be heading to the Orting trail for another bike ride. I’ve ridden 105 miles so far this spring; Sue has ridden 95.

I’ve already lost the three pounds I gained over the winter so I’m one happy camper and hoping to lose another ten pounds before September. If I do this every year (and keep it off over the winter) I’ll be seriously, deliriously happy.
Lisa stopped over this morning so we could color each others’ hair again. Then we went to Taco Del Mar for double-punch Monday and got taco salads. Yum yum. The meals were the first ones today so we were hungry and then some. Felt a lot better afterward, for sure.
Jackie and I are going to extend the chicken coop next week so we can keep the chickens in. (They’re destroying her gardens with their dust bathing and delicacy-pecking.)
We’ll have to block the goats out of the chicken coop, too, so the hens can’t get out that way and make their way through the goat fencing to free themselves.
We need to build an additional roosting and laying space, too. We found some free boards for most of the project. I’ll put the word out and see if anyone has any pieces of plywood they want to donate to the cause. We called the Habitat for Humanity store but they don’t have any plywood right now. (We prefer to buy from nonprofits because they use the money to benefit individuals in the community who need help and hope.) We’re going to use plastic bins from the Dollar Store for the nest boxes. They will love them!
What else? Guess that’s about it for now!