Of Garage Sales and Other Pressing Matters

February 2, 2025

I have arranged a StarTrek/DeForest Kelley Exhibit in my living room so it’s easy to access. It’s right off my garage, so I can monitor both places while standing in one place. And I’ve made friends with so many of the frequent visitors to my sales that I can put one of them in charge if I have to go further afield to show people my aquarium, cabinets, etc. (My sister and her son and daughter in law are right next door in this duplex-like abode, so they can pinch hit too when necessary.)


I’ve also been working feverishly this weekend to get more journals preserved to make up for the 12 to 14 days I missed while I was figuring out the glitch in the export system between Genius Scan and Dropbox. (Slow-as-molasses internet connection that I nursemaid along, which at least doubles the time it should take to get this preservation project completed.)


Some of the journals are bigger than others, so I have to split them into three- and four-parters so the export doesn’t choke and time out on me.



And in between pulling the journals apart, separating them from each other, and cutting off the stapled ends of many parts of them so I can move quickly through each page taking pictures, I have to recharge my phone once or twice a day because it takes a lot of power to keep it on for hours on end while I preserve the pages! It’s a helluva project but one I know I will be glad I did when it’s all over.  With any luck at all, I think I can complete it by next weekend, if I stay on track and preserve ten per day, which takes five to six hours per day.


Spanish Lessons


And my Spanish lessons continue apace, so I’m doing what I need to do to get ready to escape Hellmerikka in September for friendlier, more welcoming, safer, and far more affordable climes.


Leetle by leetle, it’s getting done!  I feel very accomplished!

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