Not Feeling It This 4th of July

July 4, 2022

Recent Supreme Court decisions appear to be taking us back to original intent (OI), indeed: rich white male ownership of everyone else.


Fuck Original Intent!

We should be BETTER than this nation’s founders, not slaves to their bigotries and class privileges.

I’m wearing black today. I’m NOT engaging in any celebration activities. America at this point in our history is an utter failure.


Want some proof? Here you go!


I noticed there have been a lot less fireworks this year. Most women (many of whom buy fireworks for themselves or their families) are probably not engaging as patriotically this year. No woman I know is feeling overly celebratory right now. And that is as it should be.


I just hope the passion to respond to the outrageous recent Supreme Court rulings lasts well beyond when the midterm elections happen in November, and that the votes will (despite the massive voter disenfranchisement and gerrymandering that the GOP currently uses) very prominently show that the American people are utterly appalled at what is happening to this nation, thanks to Trump and his far-right sexist, racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, transphobic, and homophobic minions in high offices.




The 4th of July used to be one of my favorite annual celebrations.  That was before I read A PEOPLE’S HISTORY OF THE UNTED STATES, BURY MY HEART AT WOUNDED KNEE, and a number of Heather Cox Richardson’s history books.


I quickly (and uncomfortably) learned, in reading these books, that what I had learned in school books as a child about U.S. History was white-washed to remove or reframe the blemishes and outrages that our forebears wrought as they wrested control of these fecund lands from their rightful owners to claim them as their own by way of “manifest destiny,” the idea that God ordained and agreed with genocide, slavery, and the mass incarceration of Native Americans on reservations without sufficient natural resources to sustain them.


Only rich white men made the rules back then, and then promptly broke them — without consequences. Everyone else was owned by them in some way, shape or form.  It looks like the Supreme Court thinks that the way it was back then is the way it should remain, or return to.  Yeah, like that’s gonna fly in a nation that is rapidly becoming more “colored” (colorful!) than it has been since European colonizers took over!




It is time for our national creed to include, and to equally honor, all of the peoples who have contributed to America’s prominence and success to date: to the laborers, enslaved, enlisted, and indentured poor people of all colors and nations who have cried, bled, sweated and died under the lash or under the duress of rich white masters.


It’s time for the people sitting in the catbird’s seat to share the wealth that they gathered as a result of everyone else’s blood, sweat and tears. I’m talking to Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, to the corporations, and to everyone else who has benefitted from other people’s poorly compensated hard work. I’m talking to the shareholders of these companies. I’m talking to the insanely wealthy “haves” who have treated the “have nots” as expendable “essential workers” even during a global pandemic.


It’s time to turn the tables.  The rich will still be rich, but they need to pay their fair share and to invest in the people who are making them money.  No more “handouts” to insanely wealthy people.  The “hand ups” are due. Offer them, or have them taken from you by force.


There are more of us than there are of you. And if we stop serving you, you will be up Shit Creek without a paddle until you concede that we are right and that you have been savaging us.  There is historic precedent for this:


It’s time for WE THE PEOPLE to stop being doormats and TO stand up to the patriarchal nonsense that has been going on for far too long.


We will continue to persist until we win equal rights and opportunities. The America of the future will not be the the America of the past. The bill is due. It is OVERDUE!

Resistance is futile.


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Which I am going to say right now. Thank you!