I traded five days of pet sitting (this coming September) for two enormous, goat-sized fiberglass “sheds”. George Rebar delivered them this morning.
I piled tires beside and between the sheds so the goats can jump to the top of the sheds and play. Goats love to be up high.

So far Mr. Tumnus and Maggie (his mom) have been the only takers, but they’ve been up there a half dozen times already. I didn’t expect the does to climb up there, so I was glad to see the sheds will support full-size, well-fed small breed does.
The ghostwriting gig that I mentioned in an earlier blog starts tomorrow, hallelujah! I’ve been paid for six hours of work. Not sure I’ve been given enough source materials for six hours of work, but I’ll find out! I have two books to review that the client gave me so I can glean additional talking points; hopefully those will provide sufficient additional fodder to give me a full six hours of keyboard tapping.
I could have started the project this afternoon but I needed some down time after my four-day, non-stop visit with Patty (we rode the Orting Trail twice, talked, watched a movie, talked, watched a movie, talked, watched a movie, talked until both of us were pretty much talked out) so after Patty headed for Whidbey, Lisa and I went to lunch and caught up with each other for a couple hours. Then I washed the new-to-me sheds (they were dirty and had some algae stains on them) and sat with the goats in the neighbors’ field a couple of times until all the noise in my brain quieted and I felt completely relaxed again.
Solitary quiet time is an absolute requirement. I needed sufficient time to return to my baseline before I could even think about starting a writing project, so I spent several hours this afternoon and evening drumming up some more virtual business via the Internet. I think I have two more projects in the pipeline as a result. I’ll be speaking with one of the clients tomorrow at 11:30 on the phone to make sure we’re a good fit before I can confirm this, though. He wants his website and blog copy enhanced. It’s not a big job, but it’ll be ongoing if he likes what I do. It’s a more technical project than I’m used to (the topic is software), so I might not be right for it. Tomorrow will tell.
The other opportunity might become a 40-hours-a-week gig for three or four weeks. That would be fabulous. (Once in a while, a forty hour week sounds great. Not often–just sometimes! If I get it, I can pay off my only credit card several times over!) It’s an editing/enhancement job that pays $40/hour.
Guess I’d better get back to sleep now… G’night!