New Client on the Near Horizon

April 10, 2021

If everything keeps going the way it has been, I will have a new client sometime in the next week. I’ll be creating an email campaign for him/them.


I’ve already aced the Zoom call with the professionals I’ll be writing for. So, my contact asked me for my price to do the job I suggested. (They paid $200 to consult with me for an hour via Zoom.)


They already know I charge based on what they’ll be getting in return for my work (the ROI), so I’m relatively sure my quote didn’t surprise them.  I submitted it late Thursday night, so my contact will need to get approval from the company before he can give me the go-ahead to get started…


But my creative juices are already flowing


My brain is already in overdrive, thinking of clever, professional ways to make the campaign a roaring success. I can’t stop thinking about it. I’m positively giddy over the prospect…


The first payment installment will be over $5K.  It’ll be my most  lucrative single project ever. IF (no, WHEN!) I get it.


I have three pages of ideas already… clever, compelling turns of phrases, riveting subject headings for the emails, the whole skeletal structure percolating in my mind.  I’m itching to get started.


Stepping outside my usual writing client niches


These are the types of projects I love doing these days — ones in niches I don’t usually serve — so I can call on other elements of my creativity to bring them to life.


It’s smart to niche, but it’s also great to jump out of  niches every so often to keep the element of discovery and excitement alive.


I’m not one who thrives on easy targets.  I can get bored writing in the same niches repeatedly.


I’m a Creator — I like to create, not re-create (or mirror) former successes.   I like the elements of “risk” and “danger”  that go along with stepping outside my comfort zone.  Not a lot, and not usually, but just on occasion when I feel a compelling “Yes! I can do this!” emanating from my core.


The present email outreach of this company is decidedly sub-standard, so it was easy for me to see what to change to help it convert better, so I don’t feel a LOT of “risk” or “danger” in serving them, but I do feel the excitement (as opposed to the anxiety) that stepping outside my usual niches creates.


Let me run!


I feel like a race horse in a starting gate. I just want the gate to open so I can run the race and see if we wind up in the Winner’s Circle!  Because if the only other horse in the race is the one already running, I know we’ll outpace it and end up with the roses on our necks!


A new client in a new niche. If I succeed wildly at this, I will open up a new niche that I can serve with complete confidence — and it’s a lucrative niche in the building trades.


Update: They want me and I have submitted my quote. Waiting to hear. Will update again when I do…

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