Musk Musings

March 22, 2025

On a Joe Rogan Experience podcast, Elon Musk proclaimed that America is in imminent danger of losing its culture.




Define American Culture, South African Apartheid Spawn!


If by American culture Musk means government by, of and for rich, cisgender, Protestant, white male supremacists — which is pretty close to how I think he would define American culture, based on the policies that he and Trump are extoling to every other citizen’s detriment — my response is, “Hallelujah!!!”


American Culture is Diverse, Multifaceted, and Precious to Most Other Americans 


Jazz, pre-Columbian Indigenous peoples’ powwows, Negro spirituals, Pride Month, Women’s Month, Latin Month, Black History Month, Juneteenth, Dia de Los Muertos, German, Irish, and countless other cultural festivals celebrate the cornucopia of lived experiences that gives the United States its rich, inviting flavor.


Living in a white man’s world,
under white men’s thumbs
is no one’s idea of freedom and justice for all —
beyond powerful misogynistic, xenophobic,
racist white men who presently occupy the catbird’s seat.

I’m sick of bigoted rich white men calling all the shots for the rest of us.








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Which I am going to say right now. Thank you!