Like Kamala Harris NEEDS MY Debate Suggestions — HA HA HA HA HA

September 7, 2024

Like Kamala Harris NEEDS MY debate suggestions! LOL!


But if I were advising her, this is what I would suggest to make Trump’s candidacy TOAST afterward.


Muted Mic Rule


“He doesn’t respond to muted mics by hushing up. He requires a muzzle. He has zero impulse control, so he shouldn’t have nuclear codes or be able to review classified documents.  Will his handlers please silence him while I’m speaking? If they cannot, will the camera handlers focus your lenses on him ad I would request again that his microphone be unmuted at all times so the American people, the press, and the world can determine for themselves who the next president of the United States should be. Please don’t shield us from the truth of the danger he poses to the world if he gets back into office.”


If Trump mentions Comrade Kamala:

(simply laugh — Donald HATES being laughed at!)  and then say, “Projection and confession. Whose favorite rulers are Trump’s?  Those with total authority over their people: Putin, Kim Jong Un,Viktor Orban, etc. Read Project 2025 to see his plans for us all during his next term, if –God forbid! — he gets one.”


When Trump diverts/disassembles/goes on one of his mental forays and doesn’t answer the question posed by the moderators: 

The question posed was this: ______  He did not answer it and what he said during his ramble was an untrue, wildly off topic blathering session intended to subvert the intention of our moderators and mislead the American people. Here’s my response to your question: ___________________


Insert into the debate, as opportunity permits, Trump’s 34 felonies and rape judgments, his three pending felony trials for alleged crimes, his multiple bankruptcies, his scam University, his sexism, racism, misogyny and xenophhobia, his screwing over of subcontactors during his time as a real estate tycoon, and anything else that defines him as “willing to screw whoever he needs to in order to get his way every single time).


Here’s a short list,just for starters:


34 felony convictions
54 pending criminal charges
2 impeachments
2 popular vote losses
$88 million owed to E. Jean Carroll
$450 million owed for civil fraud
$8 trillion added to national debt
2.9 million net loss of jobs


I think that should pretty much do it.  Do you have any other suggestions, dear readers?  I’ve already heard about shock collars when a debater lies or tries to skirt the topic at hand, but I’m not into torture, even for Trump, although he probably wouldn’t survive the event if they were allowed.

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