Landed a New Long-Term Content Writing Gig This Morning

August 28, 2021

WOO HOO!  I Just Landed a New, Long-Term Writing Gig! 


It’s 10 hours per week for $900/week.  This means I won’t have to go looking for additional work for the foreseeable future! What a relief!!!


I’ll be writing blog posts for a well established expert. That’s content writing, not copywriting (which is a far higher hill to climb), so I’ll be a lot more relaxed, too.  I feel utterly confident that I can write engaging, intriguing posts quickly enough to make sure she feels she’s getting her money’s worth (and then some). She’s also getting reliability.  I get things done waaaayyy in advance of deadlines.  Most 500 to 800 word pieces take me less than two hours (including research).


I can probably just spend one ten-hour day writing posts (500 to 800 word posts), or two five hour days, and have the rest of the week off to bike or walk or read or hang with my critters without worrying about having to make ends meet.


What a relief.  My small Social Security check and minuscule pension check keep my head above water, so I should be able to start putting money into savings again, which I need to do if I want to live to a ripe old age without running out of money before I get there. Wheee!


I love the client, too.  She was thrilled with the initial  post I did for her. And I did my best to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear on another task, and that turned out okay, but she agreed there wasn’t enough info online to do much more with it. So, we’re on the same page in that way, too.


I’m very excited.


UPDATE:  Here’s a slew of compliments I’ve received (in different emails) from this client just this weekend alone for writing four blog posts of between 500 and 1000 words:


“WOW, super nice writing! Love it!”

“Team, Meet Kris, an incredibly talented writer – welcome Kris!”

“Guys, wait until you see Kris’s first blog that blew in yesterday – he can really write!”

“Really thrilled to have your special gift, Kris! Have a great day!”

“Wow, another very inspiring piece! I gotta say, you have a really amazing gift!”

M. K.,  California




In Other News…



I wandered to for a few days because I was writing about  my DeForest Kelley-centric radio interview.


Not that this blog stays bolted to topics of copy, content, or features writing, or online sales, or anything else even closely resembling “business-centric” stuff (far from it!), but once in a while I do have to visit and populate my other two blog sites (Yellow Balloon and so readers there don’t think I’ve died.


That’s the trouble with having multiple websites, all with blogs.  It can get to a point where some of them get left behind.  Like  I haven’t written there since 2019…  Heck, I don’t even know how to get into that site anymore, it has been so long!   And what I’d put there, I would put into Yellow Balloon Publications anyway, since YBP succeeded it.



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Which I am going to say right now. Thank you!