
September 9, 2021

Ever heard of Jutto Krishnamurti?


Ever since I discovered him a few days ago, his insights have been on my mind.


The powers that be wanted him to become the next Great Teacher for their religion but, after several years under their tutelage, he disavowed becoming anyone’s teacher. Instead, he became his own.


And what he discovered about himself and society, essentially, is (without putting words into his mouth) is what is within is without.


That is, if we want society to change for the better, we must find those things in us that are manifesting the societies we live in: fear manifesting as avarice (the fear financial lack), lust (the fear of being unable to express our sexuality appropriately), jealousy (the fear of not acquiring, or of losing, someone or something deemed essential to their wellbeing which someone else has), and anything else that creates dis-ease, division, or depravity/savagery).


Energy healer Deborah King has written, “The two major powers in existence on every level are love and fear.”  (So, is it any surprise that both of our two major political parties use  love (of one’s policies) and fear (of the other’s) to convince their adherents that they are in the only entity in their local, state and federal positions that will accurately represent them? I’ll leave that right here for you to ponder.)


Both of the above-named people are confirming for me what I have always “known” but haven’t put into words before. But now I’m on a quest to master what I surmise, and to embody it more fully. Deborah King is helping me a lot in this way. (She is also an animal lover like me. She says animals have a lot to teach us. I’ve known that for as long as I’ve been alive and conscious of what I know to be true. Animals offer unconditional love, and cats are consummate meditators, whenever they aren’t responding to a spirit or a perceived threat — or treat — of some kind.)


Dalai Lama, DeForest Kelley and Mister Rogers — Three Masters of the Love Vibration


Have you ever had a total stranger (about whom you knew absolutely nothing) walk into a room where you were and sensed immediately either a positive or a negative shift in the energy field in that space?  If so, what you’ve sensed, perhaps without knowing it, was their energy field, whether positive (love vibe) or negative (fear vibe).


Body language helps, too, because body language is the result of our energy fields/vibrations. But body language doesn’t tell the whole story. (Notice the wildly mixed messaging in Donald Trump’s body language.) Some people, like Trump, have learned how to act self-confident although they’re shrinking violets (fear-driven souls) internally. Usually your intuition center catches the difference so these kind of folks don’t “light up the room” in the same way a love-radiator does. (They may light up a room, but it’s more like the RED ALERT on Star Trek than the glow of Tinkerbell in Peter Pan.)


Three of the most well-known love radiators in the past 100 years are/were the Dalai Lama, DeForest Kelley, and Fred Rogers. These folks are the embodiment of love. Those who met, spent time with, or knew them closely as friends confirm that as they are/were in public, they are/were in private. People who vibrate at the frequency of love (even those badly damaged by earlier childhood or later traumas) wanted to be in their presence because it feels like a heavenly home without any fear.


Three of the most well-known fear radiators in the past 100 years are/were Donald Trump, Adolf Hitler, and Mitch McConnell. Love them or loathe them, you fear them because you know they are capable of delivering dis-ease, disharmony and death should you happen to be on their “bad” side (which is very easy to do; just show up with ways or bodies or ideologies they don’t like.). People who vibrate at the frequency of fear have surrendered their response-ability over to their amygdala (the lizard/survivalist part of the brain that focuses on potential pitfalls and dangers far more often necessary) and to authoritarians who they expect to “take care” of the issues/people “causing” their dis-ease.


It turns out that a regular practice of meditation  can actually shrink the amygdala so it isn’t sending off alarm signals as frequently — and when it does, there is usually something worth getting alarmed about.


And it turns out that conservatives have larger amygdalas than liberals. No one knows if nature or nurture causes this anomaly. If nature, there isn’t a lot that can be done about it. If nurture, there is… IF the nurturers are willing to act in ways that shrink the amygdala (act in love, not fear, themselves).  A big IF!


Anyway, I’ve been playing meditation music, Gregorian chants, Native American soothing melodies and wind chime music here for months day and night here, and it has done wonders for my baseline sense of safety and serenity.  I’m vibrating at the love frequency more often.  Doing my best to send love and light to over-active amydalas, too…


Krishnamurti said (paraphrasing here) we can’t decide to reform tomorrow, as it is always NOW, and if we don’t do it NOW in this moment, it will not be done tomorrow.  He said we need to just jump in and start NOW and respond in ways that will extend love to everything and everyone. That makes perfect sense to me.


How about you?







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