Judi and Jessie Blessed Me Yesterday with a Birthday Lunch!

March 9, 2025

Judi Cooper and Jessie Richards blessed my socks off yesterday when we met for a “belated birthday” lunch at Olive Garden. (And AGAIN, I forgot to get photos! Dagnab it!!!)


Both delivered lovely birthday cards to me. Jessie gave me cash toward my upcoming move to Costa Rica, and Judi paid for my lunch (thank you both!) And we talked and talked and talked, and made arrangements to get together again near their birthdays (in July and August) and perhaps in June if they’re available to attend my talk/book signing at King’s Books on June 11th at 6 P.M.


Judi gave me some other good news too.


Her mom decided not to go continue down the hospice road. Within days of  coming off all her meds, her mind and spirits picked up so much that she perked right up and said, “I want some chocolate!”  And ever since that day she has felt, looked, and rallied better than she has in two years!  So Mary Jane remains with us, and I’m delighted to hear it.


Jessie is a grandmother again


She has a two-month old granddaughter whom I think resembles Jessie’s side of the family. I noticed bits and pieces of Jess, Frances and Jessie’s faces in hers. She’s adorable!


Judi told us we should watch CONCLAVE. When we both told her we probably wouldn’t, she gave us a thumbnail of it, and now I really do want to see it, and I encourage you to see it, too.  That’s all I’ll say about it because it’s an edge-of-your-seat kind of thing and I don’t want to spoil the ending for you.  Topic: it’s about picking a Pope. NOT historical, but fascinating!


We discussed politics some, but not excessively. They understand why my upcoming exodus from the U.S. is as much political as it is financial, for sure.


I can’t tell you how many other people I know personally who have told me that I’m far from the only friend they’ll be waving bye-bye to (“losing” overseas) because of T-Wrecks and his regime.  Those of us who are leaving are well aware of how Hitler-like this regime is.  We’re at the top of its insane fascist agenda hit list, so we have no plans to stick around long enough to see if the trend can be reversed in time to prevent what happened in Germany from happening here.


I have zero desire to be herded into cattle cars and disposed of somewhere in the hinterlands. I know not even my younger sister would develop the balls to protest. She’s too cowed (and indoctrinated) to think of anything other than her own (illegitimately presumed) safety. Trump doesn’t care about her, either. She isn’t f***able (I presume, but who knows — if she had the opportunity to hump her orange savior, would she???) so she’s collateral support, at best. If he keeps on the ways he’s going to dismantle the US gov’t, her vote won’t be necessary anymore and her safety net (“I voted for you twice!!!”) could be on the chopping block, too.


He said it himself:”I don’t care about you. I just care about your vote.”  “I’m not a Christian.” (He just uses Christians, as they — and Putin — are using him to achieve their goals to establish a fundamentalist, exclusionary, theocratic authoritarianism on these shores.)


It’s so obvious to me what’s going down, I don’t know why everybody else doesn’t see it.  The blinders they’re wearing are making them utterly blind to the un-American, anti-Constitutional activities that are going on no longer in secret but in broad daylight.


It’s tragic.


Nevertheless, my birthday week has been a real joy.

I’m just gonna keep on living, dreaming and doing!

My JOY is inexhaustible and no one can ever take it from me.

My fondest friends and my ancestors have my back!






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