It’s Getting Nippy Outside

October 9, 2021

It’s getting downright nippy  up here in the Pacific Northwest. In fact, we’re supposed to get below-average cold here next week.


I’ve already winterized the outside faucets and bought a de-icer for the new aluminum stock tank I bought for the goats a few weeks ago, while it was on sale for $84 and tax. (It’s usually $136.00 and tax, so I figured I’d snap one up, since I’ve been thinking about getting one for more than two years now.)


Aside: GREAT purchase.  The water stays cleaner and clearer (no algae or mosquito larvae) and I have a bucket with a wire grid atop it hanging inside the tank so critters who want a drink (in addition to my four goats, raccoons, squirrels, birds, and rats drink the goats’ water) can get one without the risk of them falling into the tank and drowning. They’ll be able to get onto the submerged bucket’s wire grid and climb out over the side from there.


(Yes, I have thought of everything. Critters are critters. They’re all just trying to make a living, and I like to help where I can.)


But back to the nippy weather!


Yesterday when I walked four miles I realized just how much colder it has become recently, so I invested in a pair of warm winter gloves at the grocery store so when I walk this morning, I’ll be properly attired.


Yesterday I just wore a sweatshirt, slicker, flimsy gloves (okay, in addition to my new size 34 pants, — which are NOT thick denim — and shoes and socks) and a knit cap Lisa got me last year with goats on the front, and that outfit was barely warm enough.


So today when I walk, I will wear heavier jeans (even though I will have to belt the pair I have, to keep them from falling off me — hurray!), the Russian hat with ear flaps and faux fur that Lisa bought me several years ago for Christmas (a real lifesaver when it’s cold), my new Russian-style mittens, a thick pair of socks, and a heavy jacket, the one Jackie got me for Christmas two years ago. It’s too big for me now but that’s okay! It will help heat circulate inside!  If I think about it, I’ll take a selfie before I go so you can see me all decked out like an Inuit, except that I’ll be wearing tennis shoes (or maybe heavier boots if I can find the pair I have — if I didn’t donate them at some time!)


As mentioned above, there’s supposed to be a serious cold snap this coming week, so I want to try out this new attire before it happens, to be sure it keeps me super toasty warm when I walk today and tomorrow.  If it does,  I will know it will do a good job all winter long.


The forecast here is for a colder, wetter (La Nina) winter than we’ve had in some time — which we NEED — so I’m planning ahead to be able to keep walking on most days no matter what’s happening outside. I even bought a pair of ice cleats for my tennis shoes, but I’m NOT sure I’ll go out when it’s that freaking cold. There aren’t usually a lot of days like that, so missing them shouldn’t mess with my walking routine too much. And falling and breaking my neck doesn’t appear anywhere on my list of “risk-taking adventures” (as if I even have such a list! HA!)  Biking is sufficiently hazardous exercise for me, and I only ride in dry weather!


I’m walking at least four miles every day.  Yes, every day, whenever I’m not biking or playing pickleball, which I haven’t done since COVID came calling, except for a few times outdoors, because most of the players aren’t immunized and don’t wear masks when not playing, and I’m not going to expose myself to that kind of attitude.  Even though I’m immunized and boosted, I can still carry the virus to others if I’m exposed to it, so I steer clear of clueless people as much as I can.


Well, it’s time to walk, so here I go!




Update:  The clothes I had on today worked well. They’ll work fine when it gets a lot colder, too. I had to take the hat and gloves off halfway through.







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